Well-Known Member
I've been using the KISS III count for a while, using a 1-10 spread in a 6 deck game like Mr. Renzey advises. When the count hits 20 I bet 3 units, 21 I bet 5 units, 22 is 8 units, and 23+ is 10 units.
There is also a page in the book that tells you what TC you would be at, in different parts of the shoe, according to what KISS III count you are at. For instance 21 equals a TC of 2 no matter where you are in the deck, 25 equals a TC of 3 with a couple of decks played. It's an unbalanced count so the TC goes up even if your KISS count stays the same and you go further into a deck. I have no problem with that, and it's pretty easy to fudge your index numbers. A count of 27 gives you a TC of 3.5 at 2 decks dealt out, 4.0 at 3 decks, 5.0 at 4 decks, 6.0 at 4.5 decks, etc.
What struck me as odd this morning though, is I was reading through Bringing Down The House, and read the bit at the back of the book by MIT Mike. He said that you should make your bets according to the true count, where you subtract one from the TC to offset the disadvantage off the top, and then bet as many units as your TC is. So if you have a TC of 6, subtract 1 to make 5, and bet 5 units. Seems simple enough.
But compared to the KISS III betting spread, it's pretty low. Two decks into a shoe with a count of 25, I'd be betting 10 units with KISS III, whereas I'd only be betting 2 units according to MIT Mike. (TC of 3 minus the 1 offset, makes 2 units). or at a count of 27 with 3 decks dealt; I'd be betting 10 units with KISS III but only 3 units with Mike's spread - TC of 4 minus the one makes 3, so 3 units?
I also noticed a chart in Kevin Blackwood's book about spreading in a 6 deck game. He advocates a 1-20 spread, and he goes to a max bet when the count is at +5 for Hi Lo.
I'm a little confused. According to Blackjack Bluebook II, I'd be making a 10 unit bet at a count of 23, when even with only 2 decks remaining the TC is only 3. Seems like a pretty low count to have a max bet out compared to the other two guys.
Hope this post makes sense. It seems like the KISS III spread is more aggressive than these others.
There is also a page in the book that tells you what TC you would be at, in different parts of the shoe, according to what KISS III count you are at. For instance 21 equals a TC of 2 no matter where you are in the deck, 25 equals a TC of 3 with a couple of decks played. It's an unbalanced count so the TC goes up even if your KISS count stays the same and you go further into a deck. I have no problem with that, and it's pretty easy to fudge your index numbers. A count of 27 gives you a TC of 3.5 at 2 decks dealt out, 4.0 at 3 decks, 5.0 at 4 decks, 6.0 at 4.5 decks, etc.
What struck me as odd this morning though, is I was reading through Bringing Down The House, and read the bit at the back of the book by MIT Mike. He said that you should make your bets according to the true count, where you subtract one from the TC to offset the disadvantage off the top, and then bet as many units as your TC is. So if you have a TC of 6, subtract 1 to make 5, and bet 5 units. Seems simple enough.
But compared to the KISS III betting spread, it's pretty low. Two decks into a shoe with a count of 25, I'd be betting 10 units with KISS III, whereas I'd only be betting 2 units according to MIT Mike. (TC of 3 minus the 1 offset, makes 2 units). or at a count of 27 with 3 decks dealt; I'd be betting 10 units with KISS III but only 3 units with Mike's spread - TC of 4 minus the one makes 3, so 3 units?
I also noticed a chart in Kevin Blackwood's book about spreading in a 6 deck game. He advocates a 1-20 spread, and he goes to a max bet when the count is at +5 for Hi Lo.
I'm a little confused. According to Blackjack Bluebook II, I'd be making a 10 unit bet at a count of 23, when even with only 2 decks remaining the TC is only 3. Seems like a pretty low count to have a max bet out compared to the other two guys.
Hope this post makes sense. It seems like the KISS III spread is more aggressive than these others.