Question about the burn card..


New Member
Ok so basically im a rookie who is studying the KO method, im goin to the casino in like 2 weeks so I have been practicing alot lately. Im probably just gonna go with like a $200 bank roll playin on a 5-10$ min table to just have fun and get some experience. Well anyways I was wondering should I ask the dealer to show the burn after every shoe? and will counting the burn really matter that much?

Also I dont wanna draw any heat to myself so how do I know how many decks they are playing with, right now im practicing on a 6d. I was thinking of maybe calling the casino and asking not sure how to go about that. Also using the KO method on a 6d would I be able to start my IR at 0? and if so what would be the true?

Thanks in advance

Edit: Also how would I back count with the KO in the middle of shoes?
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Well-Known Member
In a six deck game,knowing what the burn card is is pretty insignificant.
It doesn't hurt to ask but it is no big deal.
Call the casino and ask to be put thru to the BJ pit.Ask anything you want,they won't know who you are.


Well-Known Member
People ask and do not ask

I see people ask the dealers all the time about how many decks are used. It is a just a natural curiousity question and will bring you no heat at all.

People who ask about the burn card are rare, the average player barely even knows there is a burn card. Better to not ask, because it leaves the open question, why do you want to know?



Well-Known Member
Yes, you can start the IRC at anything you want. Do you have the book? It talks about customizing the count.

For 6D, you might want to use the "fab fives" approach they talk about. IRC = -3, start ramping bets at 15, max. bet and insurance at 20.


Well-Known Member
both p8ntballsk8r and 21forme have good suggestions.

i just use the straight IRC = -20 approach as i plan to play other games than 6D and would rather all my index and bet increases occur at the same count...

but honestly, you should use what you've practiced the most or feel the most comfortable.

from personal experience I think $200 is a good amount to start with, try really hard to sit at a $5 table.

if possible time bathroom breaks, drink breaks etc with wonging out.

wong out points for 6D using KO:
IRC - 2 after 1 deck
IRC + 3 after 2 decks

In other words if the count goes down 2 points (rather than the expected up 4) after 1 deck, go to a different table or go do something else.

edit: oh right, the burn card --- ignore it. it doesn't matter enough to warrant sticking out by asking to see it.
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Well-Known Member
burn cards

I have to agree with everyone else that the flag of asking is not worth seeing it. I did have a bad experience awhile back though. The dealer shuffle the deck and burned a card, another dealer came up and relieved him and procedded to burn another one. Then another dealer came up after one round dealt and told the dealer he was at the wrong table for relief. The dealer replaced him and burned another card. That could be + - 3 or nil but it could goof you up if you never saw one of them. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
I adjust KO so that the key count is 0 for all number of deck situations. Then, I know that when the count reaches 0 or is above...time to make moves.

good luck


If I were a dealer I would show the burned card.

If I were a dealer I would show the burned card every time. ( I will never be a dealer ). Why not show the burned card? The chances of a card counter being at the table is about .175% or about one chance in 570 so why not show the burned card if it improves my chances of getting a tip?

I have been on ships where they burn three cards.


blackchipjim said:
I have to agree with everyone else that the flag of asking is not worth seeing it. I did have a bad experience awhile back though. The dealer shuffle the deck and burned a card, another dealer came up and relieved him and procedded to burn another one. Then another dealer came up after one round dealt and told the dealer he was at the wrong table for relief. The dealer replaced him and burned another card. That could be + - 3 or nil but it could goof you up if you never saw one of them. blackchipjim

If they change dealer alot in one shoe they know what you are doing. Time to leave.