Question about Uston SS

Hi everybody, I was wondering if anybody could tell me how to implement the Uston SS in true count mode. I've read that in order to do this you start the initial running count at the pivot point (for six decks, I think the irc would be -24 so pivot point would be 0?) then divide the running count from there on by the number of decks left in the shoe. Is this true? If so, what would be the betting schedule for a true count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.? If not, how would I properly implement this? Thanks for all your replies!

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
SS Uston

Take a look at the chart here for # per card. (Archive copy)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ja Qu Ki Ace
Uston SS 2 2 2 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2

+12 -11

I would think your about -4 shy of being balanced per deck. If you start at 0 pivot should be +4, or you can start at -4 then pivot would be 0.

To discover your expected advantage:

(Dead link:

5 Card +.64
4 Card +.52
6 Card +.45
3 Card +.44
2 Card +.37
7 Card +.30 Total = 2.72% / 12 = .23 per + number. Take the house edge off this number, let's say its -.47 You'd need +3 RC for single and TC for multi deck. to have an advantage.

Proper Kelly would be:

+3 = .25 x BR
+4 = .50 x BR
+5 = .75 x BR
+6 =1.00 x BR
+7 =1.25 x BR
+8 =1.50 x BR

Develop a spread for that and you're done. This is very simplified, but it should give you an idea or more questions. Math guru's step in....



Robo's advice (as well as your own idea) - that of starting with a different IRC - will NOT cut it. To convert USS to a TC system will require recalcing the indices for TC. zg
Uston SS

Have these already been calculated somewhere? It's not that I'm too lazy to do it myself, it's just I'm HORRIBLE at math and if it's already been done by somebody else, that would be great :)