Question for ZenGrifter or any resident expert...


You have advised me before of bi-valuate cards so that's why the question is geared towards you. Anyway, what gains would you get from counting 5's in terms of playing efficiency or betting efficiency. It seems to me that 5's are an extremely important card as they will make any stiff hand. I think it would be more valueable as a play strategy than as a bet strategy. Has there been attempts to exploit this in counting? Maybe as a side count? I'm sure it's old news but it's new to me. Thanks for your time.


noshoes said:
You have advised me before of bi-valuate cards so that's why the question is geared towards you. Anyway, what gains would you get from counting 5's in terms of playing efficiency or betting efficiency. It seems to me that 5's are an extremely important card as they will make any stiff hand. I think it would be more valueable as a play strategy than as a bet strategy. Has there been attempts to exploit this in counting? Maybe as a side count? I'm sure it's old news but it's new to me. Thanks for your time.
5s are releatively unimportant as a side-counted card, simply because they are the single most important 'primary' count card. They are not 'bivaluate' - its the bivaluate cards that generate extra potential gain thru side-counting - traditionally the Aces due to their being small cards for playing strategy and big vards for betting determinant - and as I may have mentioned, the most important side-count card for playing strategy are the 7s, or the 7s/8s as a block. But that sort of 'multiparameter' strategy approach was considered exotic in the 70s and 80s and is virtually non-existant now.

Don't waste your brainpower side-counting 5s, they are well represented in your primary count. zg


Is it your opinion that the best way to beat the casinos today is to stick to a solid set of basics (hi-lo + indices) and just concentrate your effort on eliminating or avoid heat? It seems too simple. I guess the KISS method holds true here.


noshoes said:
Is it your opinion that the best way to beat the casinos today is to stick to a solid set of basics (hi-lo + indices) and just concentrate your effort on eliminating or avoid heat? It seems too simple. I guess the KISS method holds true here.
Yes, BUT, its important to differentiate between good, mediocre, and bad games as well. zg