Question on house edge for DD game


Well-Known Member
Does being able to double on 8's change the edge at all in a DD game. In the basic strategy engine it says the house has a .47%edge with doubling on 9,10,11
Late surrender H17 DAS only split aces twice and one card on each ace.


Well-Known Member
Not for basic strategy, since there are no doubles on 8.

It will be marginally better for a counter, since 8v5 and 8v6 become doubles at reasonable counts.

The lack of soft doubles really hurts both the basic strategy player and counter.


Well-Known Member
It's not the 8's, it's the soft doubles that kill you. At neutral counts it has little effect, but your advantage increases more slowly at high counts.


New Member
You can double on A,7 which is 18 or 8 (works for A,8 and A,9 (not recommended) as well) when it says double on 8, 9, 10, 11 only.


Well-Known Member
apartius said:
You can double on A,7 which is 18 or 8 (works for A,8 and A,9 (not recommended) as well) when it says double on 8, 9, 10, 11 only.
If you double an A7 and catch a 2, is your total 20 or 10? I have heard of places that will only count it as 10. (you doubled on your 8 and pulled a 2)


Well-Known Member
apartius said:
Logically, I would assume that it would count as 10 or 20. Since a soft A,7 is 8 or 18.
But the rules state you can only double on 8-11, therefore A7 counts as 8 NOT 18. when you hit it with a 2, your total goes from 8 to 10. NOT 20. I have heard of some casinos that do this, thats why I was asking.