Questions about Hi Opt II


Well-Known Member
I am trying to learn Hi Opt II, ok so you don't use the ace adjusted count for play decisions, just for determining my bets, correct?

also, since I always play pitch games and don't see all the cards until the end of each round, therefore I start the first round with a conversion factor of .5 with two deck games and 1 with single deck games (since you don't see a full round of cards until the end of the round) then I move up the conversion factor chart (the one I read about in kevin blackwoods book). So if i'm playing a 4 player game of single deck, i'd start the first round out with a conversion factor of 1, second round 1.3, third round 2, and fourth round ( which there never is) a 3.

Does this sound about right?


Well-Known Member

I agree with ZG. I have been using Hi-Opt II for about 6 years, just out of stubborness because I don't want to switch to a new system. The ace side count is simply not practical inmost cases. It is more difficult and often less accurate than an ace-reckoned sysem. It also makes advanced techniques like shuffle tracking much more difficult.

If I could start again I would either use Zen or the Revere Point Count. If I ever become less stubborn (or decide to play shoe games) I will switch to Zen since I can use the same index numbers.
