quick question


Well-Known Member
Ok so nobody posted any deviations charts for me when I made a similar topic so I'll ask this simple question;
Do any deviations or BS indices change from a 4 deck early surrender game to a 6 deck late surrender game? The surrender factors I have down but my main concern is if any BS/deviations change since I want to play with the highest EV possible. I use Wong Halves and in his book he has charts for 4 deck which is why I ask this.


Well-Known Member
As long as its the same kind of game (H17 or S17) the indices will be the exact same except the surrenders vs X's.


Well-Known Member
1357111317 said:
As long as its the same kind of game (H17 or S17) the indices will be the exact same except the surrenders vs X's.
ok thanks dude. thats all i needed to know, they're both H17.