Realistic training program


Active Member
Did you guys realize that the practice game from this site actually isn't controlled by a random generator?. After playing hundreds of games I started noticing a pattern. The order of the cards simply repeats itself. It is the same patterns over and over again.

Does anyone know of a better online place to practice?


Active Member
Maybe I spoke too soon

I should have phrased that a bit differently. I haven't kept track of the exact order and it probably doesn't do that, but I have been able to notice patterns that I don't think are entirely explained by statistics. But then again maybe I am wrong.

Now I am starting to doubt myself, but after correctly predicting numerous hands I think I am onto something.

I first started getting suspicious when I had counts that would get into the 30s using KISS III (that seems like it would be a rare thing), then I would get a strongly negative count to start other games which I think is also pretty rare. Every few games that would happen again, sometimes in the opposite order which made me start thinking that there were 5 or 6 stock games that just rotated randomly.

Every few games there would also be a stretch where about 8 out of 10 tiny cards come out. When I saw more than 3 2s or 3s in a row I started predicting another couple of tiny cards and I was usually right and they were usually more 2s and 3s. Then I had a lot of 11s where I drew a 2 on a double down against a 5 or 6 only to have the dealer draw to a 21. I started keeping track of them and it seemed like I called quite a few of those.

The bottom line is that if I had to bet money (pun intended) I would venture to say that there is a flaw in the program that exhibits certain biases, but then again I now think there is a chance that I am simply remembering what I think are low probability events that perhaps aren't.

I will start keeping track more closely and report back.