Recommend a HET property?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but I think I'd like to play a little bit at a Harrah's property in Vegas on my upcoming trip. Just enough to get logged into their system and hopefully generate some marketing offers.

Are any of the HET games in Vegas less crappy than others?

Would any of the casinos get me a better bang-for-buck from a comp perspective?


Well-Known Member
Flamingo,Ballys and Harrahs seem to generate the most marketing offers,Caesars the fewest.
Paris is the overall nicest,Rio has the best food.
Do you have a TR card or will this be your first time in the system?
I realize I didn't anser your question,but this is a need to know before I answer type of thing.
At your betting level, the game at Caesar's has the best parameters according to CBJN.

My favorite HET property is the Harrah's Del Rio in Laughlin. I found it to be as good as any DD game in town. Might be worth the stop if you're driving up.


Well-Known Member
Harrahs Laughlins $25 DD game is about as good as it gets for HET,and the Laughlin property comps much better than the Vegas ones.Caesars possibly has the best games but they suck when it comes to comps.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the TR system, mainly from local play. For relative measurement, I can get a regular room comped for a couple nights at most places in Vegas except Caesars (and Imperial palace, strangely).

Haven't checked a current CBJN (should be getting it today), but I still hold a grudge against Caesars from last yearwhen I discovered that they hammered the rules on their lower-limit tables. I'm still holding a grudge. I dunno, I'll think about it, but I'm probably going for more of a comp play.

I'll be staying at Rio, and I've stayed at Paris and Harrahs, and my Dad's stayed at Flamingo, so I figure I'll have a pretty good sample of the properties.

Oh, and Harrahs Laughlin has really started flooding my inbox. Never been there, maybe I should consider it. I think they also have some of the best VP if you're trying to jump up Total Rewards tiers (but I just can't bring myself to do it).


Well-Known Member
Well, on paper, it looks like Caesars has a better shoe game, while Rio and a couple other places have affordable, if lame, double deck games.

... I look forward to getting tossed from places with better rules.


Well-Known Member
Rhino, I read your trip diary and it was funny. I have had many similar Vegas experiences. Huge bet spreads (1-30) at the EC with no hook. No desire to ever return to Slots-of-fun. Absolute abhorrance for S Las Vegas Blvd traffic and then figuring out how to get from Mirage to EC in not much more than 5 minutes on I-15. I learned that whenever my GPS said go x.x # of miles on the strip, you usually want to take evasive action.

And you are right, later in the evening there is not too much going on that I want to get into. The earlier you turn in the better so you will not miss out on prime early hours w/lower table limits and no overcrowding.


I know there's not a lot of HET fans here, but room comps have been good to us. I'd recommend Flamingo, they have some decent shoe games starting at
9 pm; about 5 tables, one at $10, the rest at $15 ( plus 1 table is usually 3 card poker). This is the bank of tables directly behind the party pit (it is usually closed off until 9 pm).
I just play BS and drink a lot of miller lite, but as I recall it was good penetration, DOA, DAS, dealer S17. Had a lot of fun there, look for PC John & dealer Hyak (sp?) from Armenia, he's a character.

I'll try to get better feedback next trip, but sure enjoy the tips & tales at this site. Remember Bill Murray in Stripes..."it's the Stories you guys tell ".