Recommend getting a casino marker?


Well-Known Member
I've given some thought as to establishing an loc at the casinos I play at as it's getting to be a hassle carrying so much cash around. Do you guys as AP's recommend this or does it invite too much scrutiny?


Well-Known Member
I believe this invites LESS scrutiny than a normal rated player. If you are comp counting this is a great way to go.

But if you are a serious AP you either have to have a good way to mask your cumulative win or you should play as a refusal.


Well-Known Member
Who do you want to give too much information too.

When you apply for casino credit you must give the casino a ton of personal information and though I do have two credit lines, I did give thought about where I applied.
I tend to play fairly large stakes in some corporate places and often (not always) do this unrated so if I get tossed the rest of the corporation is still immediately open to me, I would hate to be spreading like mad and run out of cash on hand and have to ask for marker while playing unrated, so that is one of several reasons that I have no credit line in these corporate joints.

My credit lines are at independent places, where I spread a little less, rathole more, play a little VP, and get nice comps while still playing a winning game.



Well-Known Member
Good Advice

The amount of personal info required is not so bad - IF you simply deposit cash.

Tell them at the "credit office" that you simply want to establish an account with "good faith money" and do NOT want "credit."

You can take "markers" as needed.
You can add or remove cash to your account at any time.
You can add chips instead of cashing-out in the ordinary fashion.
You can also do "wire transfers" of funds, although ordinarily there is a $20 - $35 fee charged by your bank for wiring cash "out"
I have done this numerous times; playing for comps and playing as an A.P. elsewhere.

The casino cage becomes your "bank" in many respects.