Red 7


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually use it? It seems that it's a bit of a legacy counting system and that, while many people are familiar with it, most people who are using an unbalanced system are either using KO (which is the vast majority) or KISS.

So does anyone actually use Red 7 today? I have Snyder's 2005 edition of Blackbelt in Blackjack, so I know he's still pushing it. But I don't think I've ever run across anyone who actually claims that it's their system of preference.


Well-Known Member
It seems to fit an awkward nice, since KO is still easier (no need to pay attention to suit/color). People looking for more complicated counts can of course find things that are much fancier.

But it still provides a more "measured" gauge to ramping your bets in modestly positive counts.

I'm under the impression that it's results would be fundamentally interchangeable with that of KISS... but having used neither system, I can't guarantee it.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I use it, but I am going to switch to a better system starting, well, pretty much right now.
How long have you been using it? And if you already have it down then why switch?


Well-Known Member
I used it when I first started but switched to KO since it was similar and easy to adjust to my need for simplicity. I adjust the IRC for shoe games down to when the count goes positive, it tells me how many units I should be betting. +3 = 3 units, +4 = 4 units and so on up to the max.


Well-Known Member
LeonShuffle said:
I've always used it.
What do you think about it? How long did it take you to become "casino ready?" Do you wish you had learned KO instead?


Well-Known Member
No, I prefer Red 7 over KO because the advanced version sizes your bets more accurately than KO. And I don't think it's any harder; once you get used to it, black 7s look just like an 8 or 9 to you.


Well-Known Member
LeonShuffle said:
No, I prefer Red 7 over KO because the advanced version sizes your bets more accurately than KO. And I don't think it's any harder; once you get used to it, black 7s look just like an 8 or 9 to you.
I know that in Blackbelt in Blackjack Snyder claims that it's been decisively proven that Red 7 outperforms KO. Do you know if independent tests have been run to prove this?


SPX said:
I know that in Blackbelt in Blackjack Snyder claims that it's been decisively proven that Red 7 outperforms KO. Do you know if independent tests have been run to prove this?
Yes, but the difference is negligable in actual play. zg


Well-Known Member
SPX said:
I know that in Blackbelt in Blackjack Snyder claims that it's been decisively proven that Red 7 outperforms KO. Do you know if independent tests have been run to prove this?
All I know is almost any system will outperform another system under certain circumstances and underperform the same system under other circumstances.
Things like spreads, number of decks, rules etc.

So there are no absolute answers.

But my impression is Red 7 outperforms KO under a lot of circumstances.

Best would be, after you're proficient in Hi-Lo, KO, Red 7, Halves, UAPC, Hi-Opt I and II, Zen, RPC, UBZII, AO2 and RAPC, with and without side-counts, to run your own independent tests with a sim for the game you will be playing and play the system that performs best for that game lol.

Although, if you can do that, could you please just cure the common cold for us instead lol.

Or just pick one and learn it inside-out and outside-in and don't worry about it.

Are you really going to care that first million you make maybe, maybe not, took an extra few hours to make lol?


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Or just pick one and learn it inside-out and outside-in and don't worry about it.
Over the past several months I've played around a bit with KO, all the details of which I learned from the KO Rookie chapter excerpt on the KO website.

But I'm thinking I'll just buckle in and try to learn Red 7. For one, I already have Blackbelt in Blackjack so the full details of the system are available to me without having to wait for another book. For another, I hear that Snyder expounds upon the system in Big Book of Blackjack and gives you a lot more information to take the system to the next level.

Plus, I just like the name. Ha ha.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you're talking about the Advanced Red 7, then thats different I guess.

Well, maybe the Red 7 everyone is talking about here IS the Advanced Red 7.

I learned the Regular Red 7 from Snyders Book, and its okay but I really wanted a better system. So I will probably move to the advanced form or maybe High Opt 2 or Zen.