red7 advanced strategies,BLACKBELT IN BLACKJACK


Well-Known Member
hello, ive just finished reading arnold synders 'blackbelt for blackjack', great book!!!am in the process of learning the red7 count, will eventually be memorizing the advanced strategies to increase profitability,

My question is about the strategies table in the book for advanced red 7 count, in the table it says when u have 11 versus dealer Ace, on a count of
-4, if am understanding it correctly, you show hit(-4,-5,-6 etc) and double down on (-3,-2,-1 etc), is this correct??????

Also,do i use these advanced strategies on all tables, with varying rules etc, are they universal throughout most games(obviously there will be stinking games with bad rules that i wouldnt even entertain trying to count) i.e amsterdam airport, no push rule!!!!!!!!!! what a joke!!!!!!

any help would be welcome.

thanks for all info/help with other threads



The number listed in the tables is the number you want to double down on or higher. 11 v A at -4 means double down on an 11 v A at minus 4 or higher (-4, -3 -2 etc)


Well-Known Member
pharmnatr said:
The number listed in the tables is the number you want to double down on or higher. 11 v A at -4 means double down on an 11 v A at minus 4 or higher (-4, -3 -2 etc)
thank you, have you used the red7 count yourself? cant seem to fin many people who are using it?


Well-Known Member
BJLover said:
thank you, have you used the red7 count yourself? cant seem to fin many people who are using it?
I have used it with pretty good success for the last couple of years.Very solid system. Though have to say that am now switching to using KISS 3 count for DD and shoe games and KO for single deck.As the brain cells start to fade, am finding that the less I have to deal with negative numbers the better. Which ever you find you make the fewest mistakes with I would probably go with.Study and practice is the key.
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Well-Known Member
nc-tom said:
I have used it with pretty good success for the last couple of years.Very solid system. Though have to say that am now switching to using KISS 3 count for DD and shoe games and KO for single deck.As the brain cells start to fade, am finding that the less I have to deal with negative numbers the better. Which ever you find you make the fewest mistakes with I would probably go with.Study and practice is the key.
Thanks for the advice, did you use the red7 count with the true edge conversion?, is it worth putting the extra effort to learn this?
what kind of games did you have most success on using the red 7 count?, 6 deck, s17,das,dd 9,10,11,no hole card and 75-80% penetration are the only games available to me, were these the same kind of conditions you played in with success????

Since ive eventually found someone else that has been using the red7, i might aswell fire off a few questions,haha

any info would be appreiciated, ty BJLover