Refusing the Comp Card.


Well-Known Member
So far I've refused the comp card when it's been offered. I just feel there's already too much personal information being gathered on individuals. I'm a small timer and not accumulating large taxable amounts. Don't think I'd accumulate much in comps anyway at this point. When I'm asked for my comp card at the tables, I just say, "No thank you," and then watch them gathering and whispering as they point at me from a circled group near the PB. I've never had a problem (so far) and I'm wondering how long I can get away with it, or if I'm short-changing myself, and it's a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
You can always refuse to join a casinos club.But for a small time player who is not a counter,its like throwing money out the window.Proper use of casino comps will offset your expected losses.And Pitbosses are extremely nice to martingale players,for some odd reason.
btw- you do not have to list your social security number on any casino player membership form.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
And Pitbosses are extremely nice to martingale players,for some odd reason.
Good one! :laugh:

And yes, Thunder, you should play for comps. If you dont want your information going around, you can still get comps by signing up for a players card with a novelty id. I'm not completely sure on legality of that issue, so dont take my word for it, but I think it's perfectly legal.


Well-Known Member
Not the comps but the mailers

Thunderwalk, I do not recall where you play but most places do not give much in the way of comps to blackjack players who are smaller bettors. Where that player often scores is on mailers for free rooms, meals, match plays or other incentives that will be sent to you to encourage your return to their casino.

Also, since you state that you play for low stakes, unless the casino you play in is a real sweatshop (see definition of what is a Coast Casino or El Cortez) even refusing a card and being a red chip card counter will generally fall within a normal casinos "tolerance" level. An example at a higher level is a friend of mine, a green chip player who plays often at casinos owned by the number 2 empire. He plays at places where they do not rate players who bet less than $25, he spreads from about $25-$200, uses a card and has never received a backoff within this empire's casinos, but has been backed off at 3 downtown casinos, two Harrah's owned casinos and 3 Coast Casinos. So once you know something about the tolerance level of where you play, you might be able to use your card and count all you want without worry till you raise your overall level or something changes within the casino policy.

I play at a level where I usually expect to be evaluated. In some places the use of a card means that I can play without worry till I do something to get their attention or perhaps they back me off right away because of a note on their computer screen. In other places I will play higher stakes with no card, knowing I will probably be evaluated starting with hand 1. Sometimes the opportunity for perfect cover presents itself and I know I have bought a good period of time, other times I just play for less than an hour and leave.

So, in your case, I would suggest using the card for comps and mailers. You might look at it this way, 3 free nights is much more valuable to someone whose high bet is $100 than to someone whose high bet is over $1,000.



Well-Known Member
I have a friend who has been playing for years and usually makes a couple of trips to the High Roller's Room besides the $25 and $50 tables on the floor. We flew to Vegas several months ago for our first trip to the Wynn. When he flashed a several thousand dollar bank roll of cash at a $25 table, the PB made a dash over and offered the comp card, asking for my friend's driver's license.

What frightened me is that he handed it over. The PB returned with his card after tapping away at a computer screen. My first thought was, he might as well have provided his Soc. Sec. Number. I don't know, seems like Big Brother watching, more than merely protecting the casino from counters, or providing comps. Anyway, my friend makes a very good living, and plays for fun, so for some reason, doesn't mind being monitored, traced, watched, or whatever it is they're doing with his info.

With computers involved, I just have the feeling that they are monitoring EVERYONE'S gambling habits and winnings if they have a card, big or small. Kinda creeps me out.


Well-Known Member
ThunderWalk said:
With computers involved, I just have the feeling that they are monitoring EVERYONE'S gambling habits and winnings if they have a card, big or small. Kinda creeps me out.
They can do the same monitoring of your play without a card, as long as they remember you...


Well-Known Member
An excellent point

ThunderWalk said:
I have a friend who has been playing for years and usually makes a couple of trips to the High Roller's Room besides the $25 and $50 tables on the floor. We flew to Vegas several months ago for our first trip to the Wynn. When he flashed a several thousand dollar bank roll of cash at a $25 table, the PB made a dash over and offered the comp card, asking for my friend's driver's license.

What frightened me is that he handed it over. The PB returned with his card after tapping away at a computer screen. My first thought was, he might as well have provided his Soc. Sec. Number. I don't know, seems like Big Brother watching, more than merely protecting the casino from counters, or providing comps. Anyway, my friend makes a very good living, and plays for fun, so for some reason, doesn't mind being monitored, traced, watched, or whatever it is they're doing with his info.

With computers involved, I just have the feeling that they are monitoring EVERYONE'S gambling habits and winnings if they have a card, big or small. Kinda creeps me out.

The fact that he gave his license to a pit boss does not bother me as much as the fact that many give their license to a minimally paid attendent at the slot club in order to get a card. Either way, once within the computer system it can be retrived possibly by someone involved with identity theft. In my business I was involved once in a case where someone who worked for Bank of America was part of an identity theft type of ring. This person would take your credit card information and change your billing address, the card would be maxed out using internet purchases, the new mailing address closed (a mail drop) and you never knew because you did not get a bill till the credit card company started chasing you for unpaid charges. The same type of person, working in a casino could get identity information from your license and bank information if you happen to have a credit line.

I have told this story to clerks at slot card desks and gotten slot cards by showing them my license but refusing to let them scan it into their computer files, so it can be done. Perhaps using the pit is also a way where you get the card without your license being scanned in, but either way they still have that information.



Well-Known Member
Read Jean Scotts "The Frugal Gambler" and Max Rubins "Comp City".
Anyone who visits a casino can gain by reading these two books.


ThunderWalk said:
(bla bla bla...)
Thunderwalk - IF you are going to display that Best Boards & Forums banner in your posts, I want to immediately see BJINFO on the list. OTHERWISE lose the banner, cape'ce? zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Thunderwalk - IF you are going to display that Best Boards & Forums banner in your posts, I want to immediately see BJINFO on the list. OTHERWISE lose the banner, cape'ce? zg
Adding sites to the list is accomplished by you going there and joining, just as I joined here. I have no way to add this, or any forum, and you wouldn't want others having your password.

Any message board or forum is welcome to join, and I'd especially enjoy having this one as a member. Simply go to the toplist by clicking the banner, and in the navigation bar at the top click on the words "Join Topsites" and follow the instructions.

The single requirement is that you place a return link which is the way of counting hits from your site, which moves your listing up the ladder. Once the return link is on your page, clicking it once activates the listing, and it should show up within around 15 minutes or so, depending on how busy the host server (not mine) is. Comprende?

P.S. If you add this site (if you're the owner) , I'll slip you some extra clicks from time to time and push this forum toward the top.
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