Reno Rules


Well-Known Member
Heading out to Reno this weekend. Any rule changes I should know about?
If I play 5 hours at Circus Circus I get my room comped, what are the rules like there?

I usually go out to Sparks for the good DA2 1D games.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
jetace said:
Heading out to Reno this weekend. Any rule changes I should know about?
If I play 5 hours at Circus Circus I get my room comped, what are the rules like there?

I usually go out to Sparks for the good DA2 1D games.
If you're just there for the weekend. I would definitely stick to the .10-.19 SD games.
The first group will be found at Fitzgerald's and the Alamo Truck Stop which offer LS and a 6CC. After the Alamo, just hit the rest in Sparks, no significant changes, just the good 'ol DOA.
Besides Fitz' going to LS, the only pleasant surprises I noticed were the scattered SD and DD $5/10 min. tables now popping up at the El Dorado and the Peppermill. Great pen, but they may not be there on the weekend. You just have to take the time and check it out if you can.
As far as comps, The El Dorado is on a new member kick right now and maybe the place to get some juicy comps at the moment. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bob,

The trip was a success. Circus Circus has crappy single and double deck rules (D10,11) but the comp was too good to pass up. I played 5 hours straight the first night with minimal camoflauge needed (I'm a nickel player). Using Zen and some indexes pulled away the first night up $100. Next day I slept in until around 11, went downstairs and they only had one pit open, so the tables were too crowded. I went to the mall to pick up a new wallet as I had spilled soda on mine on the drive down. Once I returned the tables had some empty seats so I played for another 4 or so hours till I got hungry. Again I didn't need much camo spreading from one hand of 1 unit to two hands of 5 units. Left up another $50. I went and got some In 'n Out on my way to the Alamo and scarfed down a burger, fries, and milkshake. Upon arriving at the Alamo my first hand consisted of 6 cards A 2 3 7 3 2 for a total of 17. Automatically win with 6CC and good thing I did as the dealer hit 21. Every time I used LS the dealer yelled for the whole casino to hear. I played with the pit bosses a bit and held up my hands saying "I give up". Continued with my spread and low camo, up another $170 after 2 hours of play. Pit boss was starting to eye my castle of nickels so I went back to retire for the evening. Got up the next morning and played my final hour @ circus circus and made another $5.

All said and done, up $325, comped room, and a fun trip. If anyone wants to play and stay for free, here is the link: (Dead link:

Fun trip and I plan to do it again soon.


Well-Known Member
jetace said:
Thanks Bob,

Upon arriving at the Alamo my first hand consisted of 6 cards A 2 3 7 3 2 for a total of 17.
I Hope you keep the count better than you add up your hand! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I don't remember the exact hand that I had, I just remember that it added to 17, dealer had 21, and I still won the hand.