Report on Conditions @ Spotlight 29, Indio, CA


Active Member
3 x 6D shoes: dealt to 1.5 to 2.0 decks
1 @ $5 to $500
1 @ $10 to $500
1 @ $2 to $50

das, split pairs only 3 times (OK, that is weird)

1 x 2D shoe: dealt 60% to 75% (varies by dealer)
$5 to $200: das, split pairs only 2 times (weird huh?)

1 SD ~ 6:5 $5 to $500
Penetration is pitiful
1 or 2 players = 3 rounds
more than 2 players = 2 rounds
I think only 1 round with 6 players

Before 9:30 or 10:00 AM only the single deck and the $2-$50 shoe is open.


Active Member
Forgot to add:

the comp program is pretty good.

I get about $1 per hour in comps at the $5 table.

You can use the comp $'s for FREE SLOT PLAY or at a couple of restaruants and gift shops.

They also will update immediately on leaving the table if requested.


Well-Known Member
I would add to this that the DD is trackable but if you try to bet any money they will start sweating blood.


Well-Known Member
Fantasy Springs across the way has an OK DD game. Lower roller place (limits are low, especially on the DD game) but they are S17.

S17, DOA, DAS, NS, split 4 times, split ace gets one card, pen. depends on dealer (sometimes it sucks, sometimes it is good).

They always have at least one DD game as well. And it is always full.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
irobinson said:
Fantasy Springs across the way has an OK DD game. Lower roller place (limits are low, especially on the DD game) but they are S17.

S17, DOA, DAS, NS, split 4 times, split ace gets one card, pen. depends on dealer (sometimes it sucks, sometimes it is good).

They always have at least one DD game as well. And it is always full.
This sounds more than OK. S17 DOA DAS 2 deck is a great game. Even with 50% pen it should be beatable.


Well-Known Member
Went to Fantasy Springs this weekend. They have changed it from S17 to H17 and now every dealer does a 50% cut. Also only one split. Ruined the game.


Well-Known Member
Spotlight 29 is one of my favorite places to play in PS, even though it's a bit of a drive from downtown PS.

Fantasy Springs - not so much and yeah, they've ruined the game with the changes. On top of that, the last several times I've played there, it's like they're blowing hot air into the pit instead of A/C. I can put on a sweater, but I can't take my clothes off! Hard to concentrate when I'm really uncomfortable - yes, I'm a prima donna.


Well-Known Member
JulieCA said:
Spotlight 29 is one of my favorite places to play in PS, even though it's a bit of a drive from downtown PS.

Fantasy Springs - not so much and yeah, they've ruined the game with the changes. On top of that, the last several times I've played there, it's like they're blowing hot air into the pit instead of A/C. I can put on a sweater, but I can't take my clothes off! Hard to concentrate when I'm really uncomfortable - yes, I'm a prima donna.
Since the table pits are right next do the main doors it seems that a lot of hot hair gets blown into the pits. Even the dealers complain sometimes.


Well-Known Member
BTW, the comps at Fantasy Springs seem to be pretty good. You gaid paid pretty well even at $10 dollar tables. They give out a lot of match play and it is easy to get them to give you a room - last time I went I got 2 nights free and paid for half of a meal both days (for me and the wife). Then, I got $115 in match plays in the mail, plus another mailer with a free night and more match plays.