Review of "The Blackjack Zone" at

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Review of: The Blackjack Zone: Lessons in Winning at Blackjack and Life
Book Author: Eliot Jacobson
Review written by: Noah Isaacs, [email protected]
Date: 01/26/2005

Is there really anything new to be said about blackjack? The answer is yes. The game is constantly changing and the old worn blackjack manuals haven't kept up with the times. With shuffle machines, weird variations in the rules (like a payoff of 6-to-5 for a blackjack, what a rip-off!), and the new adult Vegas attitude, the games are getting harder to beat all the time. Add to this the onslaught of the "...stays in Vegas" marketing campaign and casinos are separating players from their money with more efficiency than McDonald's selling Big Macs. It's way past time for someone to come to the defense of the players. The first shot has been fired by Eliot Jacobson in his new book, "The Blackjack Zone."

The complete review can be found here...