RFID Chips

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Let's say I am playing at a store where they use RFID tags in their chips. They offer a percentage back of your bets as comps at a reasonable percentage, so I obviously want to use a players card to add that to my EV. It is a medium sized casino.

Is there any way to fool this system? From first base, I was able to see the computer screen from the table opposite mine. I was at the end of the pit so I was able to sit at very extreme first base, so I got a good view. I also caught peeks at a couple cards on occasion when the dealer cut the cards ;)

Anyway, I noticed on the screen it stated min bets, and max bets, and a skill rating. Everyone at that table was rated as "novice" so I don't know what the other rating levels are. I tried getting a peek at my table's computer right after I left, but there wasn't a way I could get a good look at it. (well i could have, but I didn't want to be obvious...) Next time I'll have to play on the table where I could see the computer, and get somebody who is there with me to peek. That way, I can know if this place is smart enough to figure out I am a skilled player.

I'm not terribly worried if I get barred from this place, as it doesn't offer the best game in the world (although there are peculiarities that do indeed make it vulnerable at times!) and the pit critters seemed to be quite inept. I hung out there for hours with a 1:8 spread and wonging out, with no cover, and didn't get any heat, or any attention whatsoever from pit critters. (one "benefit" of the RFID embedded chips is reduction in amount and quality of pit critters, it seems... it did appear to be policy that the critters would look up and give a player the correct BS play when asked, however. That's a nice touch.)

So basically, should I A: play anonymously, and forego the cash back, and possibly invite more scrutiny from the critters, B: Use more cover or reduce my spread, C: somehow fool the computer, or D: Play like normal until I get barred? I know B is a bad choice, just had to throw it out there.

An idea I had would be to sit at first or third, and hog two betting circles. I'd use one for min bets, and move over to the other one when I decide to bet more. Then, a spread would be less obvious, as the max bet wouldn't be attributed to the same bettor as the min bets? It seems this would work best playing unrated.

Of course, I could be worried over nothing, it seems this casino is lazy about protecting their game and is using a machine to do what a human should be doing. If I could fool the pit critter into thinking I am a bad player, I would be logged as a "novice" and should be off the radar, right? I don't even know how they rate a player's skill, I only saw the critter at the table when doing chip counts and other such PC duties. Think surveillance does that?

Any insight would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
keep looking at the screens

Just because the screen says that the player is a novice does not mean that the RFID chips and computer are tied into a program that evaluates players at the same time. That ability may be an expensive option or a future add on, that many casinos will not pay for.
I have played at several casinos that fall into this category. The RFID chips are there to total your bets (for comps or lack of comps) and to catch counterfeit chips. They are also helpful in nailing a past poster. The pit and eye still do the evaluating of players at these casinos.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I assumed the computer couldn't evaluate, because from what I could tell there was nothing in the shoe or table that looked like it could read the cards.

Would a casino be lazy and just let everybody be "novice?" Again, I didn't see PC's looking at players' play very often, if at all..


Well-Known Member
Best use of resources

Blue Efficacy said:
I assumed the computer couldn't evaluate, because from what I could tell there was nothing in the shoe or table that looked like it could read the cards.

Would a casino be lazy and just let everybody be "novice?" Again, I didn't see PC's looking at players' play very often, if at all..
Lazy? Well as a general rule most casino employees are lazy and will do as little as possible but enough to keep their jobs.
Also, there comes the question of inteligent use of manpower. The pit has all sorts of little duties besides busting cardcounters and the eye is generally very understaffed. It does make sense (casinos do not necessarily often do things that make sense) to just ignore all smaller players. Some cardcounter spreading from $10-$100 should have no effect on them at all. So perhaps they devote whatever manpower they have, evaluating their bigger players and even waiting on them till something catches their attention like a big win or lifetime win.
If you have not, take a look at those screens on their highest limit tables and see if they all still say novices.

Finally, I believe that well over 99% of blackjack players do not play even basic strategy well. So, I would consider just about all of them novices anyway, because that is what they are.



Well-Known Member
some casinos in LA claim the table reads their bet using the table, when they change the felts you can see under the foam there is a little cutout in the wood right under where teh betting circles are. the pit personell told me one time those record your avg. bet using the RFID chips that were from $5+



Well-Known Member
Button near the shoe

ccl said:
some casinos in LA claim the table reads their bet using the table, when they change the felts you can see under the foam there is a little cutout in the wood right under where teh betting circles are. the pit personell told me one time those record your avg. bet using the RFID chips that were from $5+

One system that uses RFID chips has a reader under the bet circle which is activated by the dealer hitting a big button near the shoe before dealing the cards.
That means they know every cent you have bet. For comp hustlers, it means that you get no comps during restroom or cell phone breaks.
It records you high, low and average bets but that does not necessarily mean that it also rates you as a novice or cardcounter. That would take some sort of cardreader attached to the computer program or someone in the eye counting down the shoe as it happens or upon review.



Well-Known Member
they had those tables that are like the mindplay ones that did that, but in louisiana i forgot about that button next to the shoe they have to hit.
