The greedy want it all
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
I'm just trying to figure the reasoning behind the greed heads running casinos. The question is: If they're still going to profit from CSM's and lousy rules then why have any hand shuffled decks at all?
The answer has to be twofold:
1. Competition from other casinos that offer shuffled game. My guess is that even ploppies prefer to see the traditional hand shuffle.
2. That they're just making so much money they don't care.
The answer will provide a glimpse into the future of blackjack. If the game has bottomed out and may improve, stay the same or get worse.
Competition is a real key here. In Vegas, where if you do not like the game in one casino all you must do is go next door and get a slightly different game and most, not all casinos work this by offering some good games mixed in with bad games. The better games are also generally on higher limit tables.
A great lesson for casinos is the world class blunder by the Vegas Hilton. Once the home of some of the best blackjack in the town, loaded with pretty high rolling players who were not advantage players, they got too greedy. They did not think about their competition, they did not think about the superstitions of their players and they did not think about the fact that their own property really offered their customers nothing special if they did not offer good games.
They went and purchased Mindplay 21 systems and in a short period of time nearly all of those losing big players were customers of other casinos. These people did not know anything about Mindplay but they knew that an all knowing machine built into their table made them uncomfortable and that they could get a game at another casino without this device.
The same goes for CSM's, bad rules, etc. There are people, non AP's, who will not play these games and a big percentage of them are people who bet $25 or higher.
So the casinos in Vegas still have games with CSM's and poor games but those games dominate the lower limit tables where the casinos have also learned that these players tend to not care what kind of game they throw their money away on.
It also makes financial sense. At lower limits the house wants a higher edge to try to make similar money to what they will make at higher limits with a lower edge.
It is like a plan to get it all. Fleece the low roller as quickly as possible (cuts overhead) and still have games that appeal to the bigger player and compare to your competition.