Rude Dealer


Active Member
The last time I went to the casino was in the early afternoon. My wife and I played at the only open table (as the rest were not being used), which later acquired one other guy who began casually playing.

I asked if it was a smoking area, and the dealer gave a small sigh and said yes. We played and we started to win $ much faster than I expected. And since I had a set $ winning in mind, I told my wife to sit out a couple hands while she counted our chips because the game is faster than I can track ($ amounts, that is). The dealer kept pausing during deals as if we were holding her up, but the way I saw it, if there's no chips in front of someone, then don't deal to them. Do your damn job.

Then I split 6's. I doubled down as appropriate for the first one and on the second I got another 6. (My wife, on my right side, doubled also as appropriate). So with all this $ on the table I said I did not want to split the second 6's, and the dealer kind of rolled her eyes and said "Are you sure?" and I said yes. (sidenote: although it may be "correct" to split after a split, I'm not a millionare; I just wanted to move on with it and see how all this $ on the table would pan out.)

...(venting complete) So anyways I wasn't happy at all with this dealer's service, but my wife (oblivious to everything) still tipped her, so I went along with it. So the question at hand: if this dealer is at the table when I return, should I wait for her to be replaced? How long would that take? Should I tell her boss that she's rude or just not tip? What's a guy to do?


Active Member
It would depend on the mood I'm in. Generally speaking I usually let things like this slide. People have bad days sometimes. It really depends whether the dealer is generally just grumpy or starts to push my buttons.

On the flip side I was recently at a table and the dealer was clearly having a bad day but wasn't doing anything overtly rude. A player was next to me who was fairly drunk but at least an enjoyable fellow to talk to. Anway, he starts making comments about the dealers attitude and the dealer clearly can't stand it so I calm the guy down and tell him not to start shit since he kept winning. Why spoil a good run? I'd imagine being a dealer isn't the greatest job in the world unless you're a real people person or just doing it part time.

I realize that dealers have a job to do and being friendly is part of that job but they're only human after all.
This is how I have dealt with a rude female dealer, giving unsolicited (and bad) advice:

"I don't need any gambling advice from a female, thank you. I won't tell you how to breastfeed, you don't tell me how to gamble."

Not another word was heard.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
This is how I have dealt with a rude female dealer, giving unsolicited (and bad) advice:

"I don't need any gambling advice from a female, thank you. I won't tell you how to breastfeed, you don't tell me how to gamble."

Not another word was heard.
:laugh: That's one of the funniest things i've heard in a while!~


Well-Known Member
I have had rude dealers who get pissed off when you ask to see the burn card! unbelievable.

One dealer would refuse to pay out my blackjack until she had drawn her dealer hand, even when she had low cards etc.

I had one dealer who was a middle age woman who was hopeless at adding, particularly on soft hands. Nearly everytime I draw 10 on a soft total she would fold my hand really quickly and we'd have to get the pitboss to reconstruct.

I had one dealer who paid out blackjacks when there was a ten in the hole! One dealer also didn't understand back bets and let back betting players keep their money if the dealer got blackjack, thinking it wasn't an original bet!