The Stork
Well-Known Member
My father is a diplomat and you really could cause an international crisis putting me out of this casino. That is what I said..What a week. I confused said that it is not allowed to put your blackjack under your cards so I put them face up at the table. I told my room mate how stupid he was.The pitboss told me that I could not touch those cards, inwhich
I told him politely that it is only allowed to give your money and that is it.
Confused as he was, he called and after talking to the gards about so much confusion they decided that I could return at the table. I did great, but I might like acting even better as a side profession. LOL:whip:
I told him politely that it is only allowed to give your money and that is it.
Confused as he was, he called and after talking to the gards about so much confusion they decided that I could return at the table. I did great, but I might like acting even better as a side profession. LOL:whip: