San Diego Blackjack


Looks like it's time for my second BJ outing.

I'll be in San Diego this weekend and blackjack is on my agenda.

I'm looking for a little insight regarding the blackjack conditions at the Golden Acorn and Barona.



Well-Known Member
I can't say for the San Diego area...but for the casinos around LA (The Bicycle, for instance, and the Hollywood Park), I'd stay away.

These casinos play "no bust" blackjack, AKA 22. I think there's a law or something that prohibits casinos in the area from playing "21" they get around the law by playing 22. That messes with the statistics in a BIG way...and I'mnot sure anyone has run the optimum play for "no bust" blackjack.

Also, many of these casinos are not set up against the house. Players take turns being the house, and play against each other.

As a caveate, this info is pretty incomplete...Vegas is just too close for me to bother with the local casinos and their odd rules for me to have really inquired much past the, "what the hell is 22??" stage. I've actually been meaning to ask on this board if anyone had any thoughts on CA casinos.

Good luck.


san diego blackjack is vegas style fortunately. Vegas would be ideal but I have no choice but to patronize SD casinos due to my age.


Well-Known Member
Re: joe black/ s.d

hey did you get your code name from that same Brad Pitt movie

valley view-dd,das,25-1000.
dealer keeps on tokes,many will show burn card,

golden acorn also same rules except 10 min...but worse pen.always
ask to see burn they usually let it go.

barona...was there two months ago and they kicked out my friend..
crowded 24hrs.