Scam System of the Week... *PIC*


... goes to Michael Stone "The Wizard". zg

Pssst...can you keep a SECRET?.. the strategies revealed here are used ONLY from casino Pro-Players, who make at least $2,000 a night at the craps table.

"Discover The Unrevealed Secrets
Of Dice Controlling And Learn How
To Pocket Up To $250 Per Hour
Every Time You Play Craps!"

World-Famous 15-Year Dice Controller, and Casino Annalist PROVES that Anybody (Even YOU!) Can Make a Small Fortune at the Craps Table With His Easy-To-Use, 100% Money-Making Guaranteed Craps Winning System..

... continued here: (Dead link:


Well-Known Member
The problem is...

that charlatans like Scobelete make a lot of money off this crap. And it probably tars the reputations of others in the advantage community as well, because these people call themselves advantage players/instructors.

All these shooters 5 count and progression systems that these people pimp are screwing players who are already being raped by casinos.

I've worked as a dealer before, and once on roulette, I spun black 36 times in a row. You should have seen all the ploppies plopping down their cash on red. The drop on my game was over $75,000. No one was betting black since the last 21 spins were black and red just had to come next.


Well-Known Member
When's the next convention...

I want to hang with the Mad Professor, Heavy, Mickey D. and the boys. I think the Casino Royale has 100X's odds. They will have to file for bankruptcy if this crew ever shows up.
Monkeys are into throwing crap

The theory seems logical. If you can do the exact same thing with the dice every time, *first approximation* you should get the same number every time. I say first approximation, because you can't account for air currents. You can also apply spins to the dice like a pitcher does to a baseball which will tend to keep the dice centered around one axis. If you can bias the dice towards the 4-3 axis on come-out you should get a significant advantage. The only problem is testing it. Let me see a dice controller throw a 7 a standard deviation away from random, and then throw a 2 or 3 a standard deviation away from random, and I'll consider buying.


Well-Known Member

After you decide on your spin, and factor in the air current, are you aiming for a particular spot on the alligator to keep these dice on axis? Let's hope all the drunks keeps their hands high, or all these precise calculations will go out the window.
My assumptions

I would treat the back wall the way a scientist treats a crystal. You think of it as an infinitely repeating pattern of atoms, and you are not trying to hit any particular atom with your x-ray beam. But you get a repeatable diffraction pattern with the x-rays no matter where on the crystal you hit, even though you can't make any assumption about any particular x-ray photon.

Each dice is going to either hit one of 4 facets of the bumps on the back wall, or it will hit one of the bumps head on. If the dice are spinning around an axis, they will likely continue spinning around the same axis after the collision. Maybe the direction will be reversed, but the axis will not change due to the conservation of angular momentum.

If I were to guess at what the most effective way to control dice on come-out would be, I would: make the axis of spin horizontal and perpendicular to the direction of motion, with front spin (just imagine a bowling ball with front spin going down a bowling alley), and the axis would be the 1-6 axis. I would aim to hit the felt first, sort of roll towards the back wall and bounce back, hopefully still spinning around the 1-6 axis but with the directions reversed. This would bias the dice away from a 1 or 6, and thus reduce the probability of crap because you can't throw crap without a 1 or 6. I'm sure you can influence the point roll like this as well. Is it enough to get an advantage over the house? Beats the hell out of me, and I'm not planning on standing around throwing dice all day for 100 years to find out.