Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Florida


New Member
Have you had any success counting at Hard Rock in Tampa Florida. Please post your thoughts and review of this casino. How many decks? penetration? lowest table minimums? heat? other important notes? etc?


Well-Known Member
Haven't been there yet but I've read posts...

that say it is a carbon copy of HR Hollywood. 8D, 1.5-2d c/o, S17, ASM. Crowded as hell from what I've read. Table mins mostly $25 on ASM's but CSM's can be $10, $15 or $25. $10 & $15 tables on ASM's can be found before noon. Haven't heard anything about heat or any other factors except it is wongable if you can find a seat.


Well-Known Member
I have been to Tampa now and it sucks!

At least when I was there in the early afternoon on a weekend, they had about 10 $25 min asm and 4-5 $50 min asm and the rest was either csm's or 6D $100 min in the H/L room. The asm tables are 8d with 2d cutoff almost exclusively, no better, no worse, S17, split to 4 hands, double any 2 except split aces. no rsa. I haven't simed the game but I would imagine the SCORE is very low. You can wong to your heart's desire but the penetration will kill you. I haven't been there enough to comment on heat.

Seminole blackjack is a joke. Until they have competition they have no incentive to improve their game.
