Serious question: Why do you people post your betting systems here?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know why anybody actually posts their (nonworking) betting system here. All that happens is they get subjected to abuse from all the counters telling them how it's stupid and doesn't work (which is the truth).

Why not go to a board that pushes these type of scam systems to get feedback from likeminded people..


Well-Known Member
pit15 said:
I'd like to know why anybody actually posts their (nonworking) betting system here. All that happens is they get subjected to abuse from all the counters telling them how it's stupid and doesn't work (which is the truth).

Why not go to a board that pushes these type of scam systems to get feedback from likeminded people..
You are making assumptions that border on the mean spirited. First, this IS the voodoo section. Second, not all counters abuse people that ask questions in the correct section. A lot of people have to start somewhere. The stickies many times do not 'fulfill' the answer.
Also, if I were to tell someone, hey, you need to learn to count cards so you can get a positive EV. Now, it is true that it may take a couple of thousand hours of play to get to the long run and even after that you will be below a past high over 97% of the time but you should take the hours and hours of learning tables and risk a huge BR and do this.... they may think I'm stupid.
What if a person says hey, I only want to play 10 hours a year. Would you recommend counting to that person? It takes all kinds to make up this ol world and guess what.... we are here!


Well-Known Member
gamblingghost said:
I only want to play 10 hours a year
If this is the case it doesn't make progressions any more attractive. Just flat bet table min and have fun playing the game.


Well-Known Member
rrwoods said:
If this is the case it doesn't make progressions any more attractive. Just flat bet table min and have fun playing the game.
Well, this is 'flat' wrong. Unless your talkin about martingale to which some say is much more entertaining than 'flatining it'.


Well-Known Member
gamblingghost said:
Well, this is 'flat' wrong. Unless your talkin about martingale to which some say is much more entertaining than 'flatining it'.
If the "excitement" value of the martingale is greater than your expected loss, sure. Go nuts.


Well-Known Member
rrwoods said:
If the "excitement" value of the martingale is greater than your expected loss, sure. Go nuts.
I should make it clear. I personally don't like martingale. Just pointing out what I think is a very poor progression can be better than flat betting in more ways than one. Flat betting is the most boring style of all and likely less profit potential as well.


Well-Known Member
gamblingghost said:
Flat betting is the most boring style of all and likely less profit potential as well.
Define "profit pote---

... no, never mind. This will go nowhere.


Well-Known Member
rrwoods said:
Define "profit pote---

... no, never mind. This will go nowhere.
Please note the word 'likely'. Nothing is guaranteed. No where, has to be somewhere. And never is an awful long time! Any more questions?:confused:


gamblingghost said:
Well, this is 'flat' wrong. Unless your talkin about martingale to which some say is much more entertaining than 'flatining it'.
I always preferred a positive progression for entertainment.

As for counting camo - sparingly - I use a negative progression in a +count
and and positive progression in a -count. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
I always preferred a positive progression for entertainment.

As for counting camo - sparingly - I use a negative progression in a +count
and and positive progression in a -count. zg
ok, ok... the gears are turning. uh... neg prog. in a pos. count, hm ok that makes sense. uh... positive pro. in a neg. count.....mmm.... gears are starting to grind.....hold on.... hmm, all I can say is that is strangely interesting. I must sleep on that. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
gamblingghost said:
ok, ok... the gears are turning. uh... neg prog. in a pos. count, hm ok that makes sense. uh... positive pro. in a neg. count.....mmm.... gears are starting to grind.....hold on.... hmm, all I can say is that is strangely interesting. I must sleep on that. Thank you.
Don't crank those gears too hard. It may be an interesting idea but it's not very practical. Using a progression as a betting strategy nearly defeats the purpose of counting. Using it for cover can be a lot more expensive than most people think. Just read the stickies.



Sonny said:
Don't crank those gears too hard. It may be an interesting idea but it's not very practical.*
Did I say "sparingly" above?
Sonny said:
Using a small progression can be great for cover, but you have to be very careful. It can increase your variance (and therefore risk) much more than you might think.
Yes I do agree.

To clarify, I don't overuse small progressions for cover, but when I do its SOMETIMES like this --

-count: chip-up QUASI posi-progression
+count: double-up QUASI neg-progression

* Au contrair. Very practical when done right.
See also - Sonny on progression camo at BJ Institute


Well-Known Member
I'm with Sonny. When the count is neg. I just can't bring myself to bet up. I doubt there is an upside to it. That type of Camo be darned!:) Now my gears are moving smoothly again. Thanks Mr. Sonny.


gamblingghost said:
I'm with Sonny. When the count is neg. I just can't bring myself to bet up. I doubt there is an upside to it. That type of Camo be darned!:) Now my gears are moving smoothly again. Thanks Mr. Sonny.
Yes, there is no math-upside to raising a bet in a -count.
In fact there is no upside to making ANY bet in a -count.
So why even do that? (For camo??)

My previous responses were specific to "camo done sparingly"
with some "entertainment" value.
Example - bet 10-100

+count: bet $25, lose bet $50, lose bet $100
-count: bet $10, win bet $15, win bet $20, win bet $25, lose skip a round.​
The tricky part is to still raise the bet in a +count when you win the hand. zg


gamblingghost said:
I'm with Sonny. When the count is neg. I just can't bring myself to bet up. I doubt there is an upside to it. That type of Camo be darned!:) Now my gears are moving smoothly again. Thanks Mr. Sonny.
You didn't read Mr. Sonny's linked post carefully. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
You didn't read Mr. Sonny's linked post carefully. zg
Well see! Not only are there stickies, now there are linked posts!! I'm gonna have to hard copy all of those and keep em close to my heart...heart....heart...
pullin em out of my back pocket.


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