Sexy Female AP


I'm a young female with an "innocent" face. Is this good cover? Will I need to use any other cover? The reason I ask is because whenever I go to the casinos, I seem to attract a lot of attention. I know that it's wise to stay under the radar if your a card counter.

I've only been to the casinos a few times, but every time I sit down to play, a crowd starts to form right behind me. Even if the casino is really slow that day. When I asked the guys I went with why people watch me play, they said it's because they think I'm hot.

It's not just the players that watch me, the pit bosses seem to be interested also. I've even been hit on by some.

Is all this attention OK?


Well-Known Member
We won't really be able to give you any specific information about your built-in AP camo until we can see what we're dealing with here.

Several photos of your face from the front and side, shots of your body from all angles, and in a variety of outfits ranging from bathing suits to business attire. Videos would help too, to give us an idea of your demeanor and how you carry yourself. A video of you with your peer group might help too, to let us see how you compare to girls of a similar age. Maybe a video from a hot tub party, pillow fight at a slumber party, etc.

You can't really go asking questions like this without providing some decent background info. Post some photos, videos, and diary passages and I'd be happy to offer my expertise!

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
BJWinner said:
Is all this attention OK?
If they're watching you and not your play, it won't hurt unless it distracts from your personal ability to play with an advantage (assuming you can). Maybe a hard-up PB will even give you some extra comps or you can distract a smitten dealer for a 'coloring-up bonus'. You didn't disclose your level of play or the games you play in, but since you've only been to a casino 'a few times' they probably don't consider you a threat and they may be right.


Well-Known Member
Kaiser said:
We won't really be able to give you any specific information about your built-in AP camo until we can see what we're dealing with here.

Several photos of your face from the front and side, shots of your body from all angles, and in a variety of outfits ranging from bathing suits to business attire. Videos would help too, to give us an idea of your demeanor and how you carry yourself. A video of you with your peer group might help too, to let us see how you compare to girls of a similar age. Maybe a video from a hot tub party, pillow fight at a slumber party, etc.

You can't really go asking questions like this without providing some decent background info. Post some photos, videos, and diary passages and I'd be happy to offer my expertise!
Been a while, huh? :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Kaiser said:
Thanks Kaiser, it had to be said. I'm surprised it took until the third post!

But seriously winner, I think being cute can let you get away with a lot, especially at lower stakes. I think Ian Anderson wrote in his old book, Turning the Tables in Las Vegas, about a cute cheerleader-looking woman who he actually recruited. Of course, that was the 70's, and times were more paleolithic.

It's never a good idea to think that you don't need cover. And in fact, if you were betting at fairly serious levels, I'm not sure if a wholesome Barbie image would really fly, you'd need a different sort of "act" (how many high-rolling women do you see at the blackjack tables?... exactly).

One thing that I think you can milk a long way is asking for advice from guys, because you'll probably get a ton volunteered, most of it bad. But if you get multiple people chiming in (get the pit bosses involved), you can pick and choose among whatever works best for that situation "Should I stand on this one?" "Does that mean the next hand will be luckier?" "should I play two hands to change the flow?" etc.

Another suggestion would be to practice a lot so that counting and playing become automatic so you can do it even while talking about totally unrelated things, like clothes or shoes or puppies or pillow fights or whatever girls talk about when they're not counting cards.

oh, and some lady pits are going to hate your guts. For instance, if I was a Pit critter, and there was some young hipster doofus dude at the table with his spikey hair, slinging around big bets and attracting a crowd of women, I would enjoy nothing more than pounding him into the ground.


Thanks for your responses. I would be happy to post a pic, but of course, I don't want my cover blown. If it's possible, I will private message a pic to someone who's trustworthy and you can take his word for it.

Brock Windsor: In case you don't recall who I am, take a look at my intro: Introduction from an AP Wannabe.

This may be hard to believe, but most people underestimate my intelligence because of the way I look, until they get to know me.

EasyRhino: I don't look like Barbie, in case you want to know, and the topics I discuss with my friends are politics, philosophy, and literature, to name a few.

Sorry if I seem a little defensive, I just don't like being stereotyped.
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Well-Known Member
See my post about my niece

BJWinner said:
I'm a young female with an "innocent" face. Is this good cover? Will I need to use any other cover? The reason I ask is because whenever I go to the casinos, I seem to attract a lot of attention. I know that it's wise to stay under the radar if your a card counter.

I've only been to the casinos a few times, but every time I sit down to play, a crowd starts to form right behind me. Even if the casino is really slow that day. When I asked the guys I went with why people watch me play, they said it's because they think I'm hot.

It's not just the players that watch me, the pit bosses seem to be interested also. I've even been hit on by some.

Is all this attention OK?

Under the general category, in a thread, "You got to be kidding", I just posted about my niece, she is in her mid thirties now, but since finishing college she has been a great card counter who has made quite a bit of money playing the game.
She is beautiful, about 6 foot tall and an ex college athelete, to this day she gets tons of male attention wherever she goes. Today she is a successful business woman and a mom, but when it comes to blackjack, people like her sit down at the table with an advantage. You might lose that advantage eventually but it is there. Of course, it might not work with female pits, so you should generally play on tables that are being watched by male pits.
Many of my gender are still under the misconception that "girls can't count".
They will be watching you but not watching your game.

A little smile and asking the attentive pit for advice and then doing what you should do anyway helps. If his advice was correct, you thank him if you win, if you lose he will be saying he is sorry. If his advice was incorrect, you go with "female intuition" and if you win well your intuition worked, if you lose you tell him you should listen to the "expert."

Ask him for comps, he probably will trip over himself to comp your dinner. Always smile and act like you are having fun. Do not stare at the cards. Eventually, you will be able to glance at a table full of cards and be able to adjust your count almost instantly.

There is a female advantage.



Well-Known Member
BJWinner said:
EasyRhino: I don't look like Barbie, in case you want to know, and the topics I discuss with my friends are politics, philosophy, and literature, to name a few.

Sorry if I seem a little defensive, I just don't like being stereotyped.
I was thinking at the tables you could play the air-headed woman with some money or a rich husband. The playing dumb should generally take the heat off, and seeming like you have some bucks would make big bets less noticed. Even better if you can play the spoiled, bored wife of somebody with bucks.

You can discuss politics later, stick to shoes, fashion and puppies at the tables. :)

Add that asking for advice as suggested, and go against it when it's wrong especially as an index play with statements like "I have a hunch" I should split these 10's. Recently saw a cute, drunk someone air-headed woman do that with all the guys saying "noooooooooooo!" She won the double on a bust. They just all laughed, but I'm thinking maybe she knew something,


Well-Known Member

Winner, from the sounds of it....your EV would skyrocket, or you could even just quit counting altogether and you could make more $ without counting....why don't you just act like you don't have any more money to play and give a sad puppy dog face so old retarded men will give you chips...Haha guarantee it would work. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
BJWinner said:
EasyRhino: I don't look like Barbie, in case you want to know,
I may have misunderstood what you meant by having an "innocent" face. Regardless, "innocent" will let you get away with murder at lower bet levels, but I have a suspicion you'd need something different at higher bet levels. ("low" and "high" would depend on the type of place you're playing at).

And I'd never recommend acting intellectual at the table, so philosophy and literature are out (not as bad as math though!).

For instance, last year I was at a table, and a flooer supervisor walk over and asks no one in particular:
Him: "Anyone know the capital of Nigeria?"
Me: "Abuja."
Him: "Thanks," and he walked off.
Me: ... *why did I volunteer that?*

Sure, it would be hard to demonstrate a correlation between geographical trivia and advantage play, but it would still be better to act like you don't know anything about anything.

Politics is only good if you want to start an argument.


Well-Known Member
BJWinner said:
Sorry if I seem a little defensive, I just don't like being stereotyped.
Hey Winner,
I can see your problem with some of the post here, but not many women folk come round these parts lol. As to being stereotyped, you should try to cultivate the exact opposite reaction. When you are playing you are going to be stereotyped, by the pit, by the dealers and by other player. Play on it. The best cover you have is your gender. Many male, especially casino staff don't believe that females are smart enough to count, especially not good looking ones. This is reinforced by the fact that not many of them ever attempt to learn. It seems to be a subject that interests males more.
Play on this. Act like the ditsy bubble head who doesn't know what hand is her left and what is her right. Even better if she doesn't know what a hand is lol. Play into their pre-set beliefs, fit their stereotypes and it'll take a lot more for them to consider even looking at you.
I know a thing or two about playing with attractive women lol. My gf has played with me every time i've gone out for the last year. I'm not saying this as an ego thing, but she turns heads (just as well i trust her and ain't the jealous type lol). Quite frankly she can get away with a lot more than me and all she does is give them a little smile and act like she doesn't even know how to play. It's great to watch - especially when you know her and know that frankly she's smart enough to run rings round everybody within a 20ft radius.
A book that my gf quite liked, more from a perspective point of view than information was Angie Marshall's 'A Woman's Guide To Blackjack'. One of the few books on Blackjack written by a woman. I haven't read it myself yet, but it'll be one of the next few i read.
Good luck.



Well-Known Member
BJ Winner

Some of the posts in this thread are plain silly but should give you a clue as to why an attractive woman has an advantage counting at blackjack, above the average male counter.

Other posts in this thread, perhaps you might take the wrong way. The game within the game, is the cat and mouse thing done between casinos and advantage players. Many male cardcounters will put on dumb acts, drunk acts, etc just to fool casino staffs and enable themselves to play longer without being shown the door. These guys might and often are highly intellectual.
So understand, if myself or someone else says that an act (and that is all it is, an act) where you are a bit flirty and might act like one of those women that male pit bosses stereotype, will enable you to play undected for much longer than serious conversations about politics. Just part of the same game and the world being what it is, played just a little differently by men and women.
My niece often played the bubble head till she got to her later twenties and then it was more of the rich wife and it was easy for her to look the part even though she probably makes around 5 times what her husband makes.

Counting is the easy part of winning in my opinion. Learning how to overcome human weaknesses and learning how casinos think and work and applying that to your game and act, is much harder. If you want to win at blackjack, put your ego aside at the tables and let it out as blackjack improves the size of your bank account.



Well-Known Member
Also, be aware that you don’t necessarily have to act “dumb” or like a stereotypical Barbie. You can behave like a smart, educated woman and still get great cover. The key is to look like a novice gambler. Maybe you can act like a successful entrepreneur who wants to blow off some steam, or an intelligent woman who had a few daiquiris and wants to try something new and spontaneous. As long as you seem naive about gambling you will be fine. There’s no reason to degrade yourself just to get an advantage, although it does help a lot.

EasyRhino said:
I may have misunderstood what you meant by having an "innocent" face. Regardless, "innocent" will let you get away with murder at lower bet levels, but I have a suspicion you'd need something different at higher bet levels. ("low" and "high" would depend on the type of place you're playing at).

And I'd never recommend acting intellectual at the table, so philosophy and literature are out (not as bad as math though!).

For instance, last year I was at a table, and a flooer supervisor walk over and asks no one in particular:
Him: "Anyone know the capital of Nigeria?"
Me: "Abuja."
Him: "Thanks," and he walked off.
Me: ... *why did I volunteer that?*

Sure, it would be hard to demonstrate a correlation between geographical trivia and advantage play, but it would still be better to act like you don't know anything about anything.

Politics is only good if you want to start an argument.
I don't know, it's going to obvious from your play that you are not stupid, so it's possible you could make yourself look even more suspicious by acting like you are. A good liar will only lie about the stuff that makes a difference. So I never hesitate to tell anyone I'm an engineer, lots of engineers like to blow money in casinos. If I make up some other occupation, I might get it confused and tip somebody off that I'm being deceptive. Fortunately most PC's have no other marketable skills so they wouldn't know the difference.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
For instance, last year I was at a table, and a flooer supervisor walk over and asks no one in particular:
Him: "Anyone know the capital of Nigeria?"
Me: "Abuja."
Him: "Thanks," and he walked off.
Me: ... *why did I volunteer that?*
Me: "Why would you KNOW that?":p

Obviously I do not have the experience that most people on this site have, but I have found most of the people at the tables are...well, stupid. And the dealers seem to care...not at all. And the pit seems more interested in looking important.

Of course, it could also be the occupations that shape how we view the world. Auto Monkey being an Engineer I would suspect sees things much more black-and-white than say, a politician, who would be seeking to be everybodies friend and making people at ease. A travelling salesman certainly would interract with the people around him different than the hairdresser I played across from a couple of weeks ago who was VERY much annoying the owner of the small asian market down the road beside me. My occupation tends to make me see people as rubes and idiots and I tend to make sarcastic remarks that generally mean very little to anyone around me, but keep me entertained. Actually, a lot of times I direct the remark to the dealer, who seems grateful that I'm making fun of some OTHER idiot, and not blaming HIM for the lousy cards, rules, seats, smoke, drinks, gas prices, the Lindberg baby, etc.

Most of the time, it seems that wherever I go, casino or not, if I just smile and nod my head people keep yammering without any help. So, if a middle-age sarcastic fat guy can do it, I would think that a fairly attractive young female would have no problems keeping everything flowing just by smiling and nodding her head! (Y'might not try the smart-assed remarks, tho. As I explained to my son once, there are some things I can say and get away with at my age/weight/height that you will not!)

As an aside, maybe someone would be interested in starting a thread-what IS your occupation, and how do you view people? Might make for the basis for an interesting Dissertation!


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of an exchange at a local casino one weekend.

Dealer: "So, where do you spend your weekdays?"
Me: "At work. What kind of a stupid question is that?"

My real job is so boring that it would make great cover... no one has ever wanted to ask questions about it. (Usually "sales" is a default suggestion for a made-up job).


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Reminds me of an exchange at a local casino one weekend.

Dealer: "So, where do you spend your weekdays?"
Me: "At work. What kind of a stupid question is that?"
Oh, I LIKE this one. Mind if I use it?
My real job is so boring that it would make great cover... no one has ever wanted to ask questions about it.
Which of course begs the question-what IS your occupation?