Should there be a notify the Mods button


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, we have only one moderator, who can't possibly read every post on every thread. Should we have a button to notify him when someone goes off the reservation or when InPlay stops taking his meds?


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
What is a bad post. I guess profanity or personal attacks?
Amongst other things, I think prolonged attacks on an individual qualify as something the moderators should be aware of. What they do when they read the posts is entirely up to them.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
As far as I know, we have only one moderator, who can't possibly read every post on every thread. Should we have a button to notify him when someone goes off the reservation or when InPlay stops taking his meds?
Yes. For instance, personal vendettas are completely counterproductive.

good luck


Staff member
There is an existing facility for this.
Look for this symbol in the right-hand area above each post:

Use that to report any objectionable post and an email is sent to me and also to Sonny. And, yes, it is quite helpful since there are certainly posts that neither of us happen to see.
KenSmith said:
There is an existing facility for this.
Look for this symbol in the right-hand area above each post:

Use that to report any objectionable post and an email is sent to me and also to Sonny. And, yes, it is quite helpful since there are certainly posts that neither of us happen to see.
Are there different levels of alarm available, or a way to transmit a description of what the problem is? The reason I ask is that some problems could be extremely urgent (like an AP being identified by name) and the post and poster need to be removed immediately, while other problems like insults can wait a bit longer.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Yes, Auto Monkey An Example

If I were to tell that Auto Monkeys picture is an actual photo. He would want this message pulled.

Sorry Auto Monkey, the info was bound to get out sooner or later!:joker::whip:


Staff member
Automatic Monkey said:
Are there different levels of alarm available, or a way to transmit a description of what the problem is?
Click on the icon and you'll get a message box that will allow you to describe the problem.