Hey guys anyone been a Royal Carribean Cruise before. The mexican riviera looks good or Alaska. I was wondering if anyone could fill me in on the conditions in thier casinos and BlakcJack?
Usually nothing special. 6 or 8 deck with DAS DOA S17 and pene can be from 2 to 1.5 cut off. If you can track and they shuffle like they are also on holidays you may be in luck. Stay sharp and keep your eyes open. Watch out for large floating ice cubes that AREN'T in your glass! grin
"North, to Alaska, we're goin' North, the rush is on"
Hey Rob could you ask around and see if anyone has recently been on a RC cruise. Carnival is 8 deck and norwegion is six. I heard that RC is two and six I just wanted a confirmation on the conditions. Thanks LTC
I see you have already asked around in all of the right places. A friend if mine is on an RC cruise but he doesn't know blackjack from blackholes. He is basically on his yearly "fatathon" and will come back rubbing his potbelly bragging about how gluttonous he was. I wouldn't want to be on that ship if he ever fires off a wad of fecal plaque which could bounce around in the ships hull like a platter thrown by the USA discus champion until it finds a way out. He would end up being a wonderful snack for a shark or two! ;> Maybe I should call him Jonah? Another victim of the 7 deadly sins.
I'm sure your report will be the latest and greatest one re the RC conditions. I'm sure no matter what you will be facing, you'll have a trick or two up your sleeve to throw at them. Be BOLD, be BRAVE! Go forth and KICK THER'ASSS!!