Shuffle-Tracking for Dummies.


Well-Known Member
Been away for several days...trying to catch up. Tonight, I read one of ZG's posts, that seemed to be, with some work, within my reach. And now I cannot find it.

Anyhow, he suggested that in a 6D game, with shuffle at approx. 1.5D remaining, that, IF the RC was +15 at shuffle, then the unplayed 1.5D could be cut into "the pack" to be played next, thus starting out with a Positive count.

For example (I think), with a single-level, balanced counting system, this "plug" would have a surplus of #10-10 value cards. When infiltrated into the "to be played" portion of the next pack, then the Count would be +2.2 m/l to start...TC that is, for the "to be played" portion of the pack.


1. Am I on the right track?
2. Is the converse also true, i.e., if the Count was "minus 15", would one try to cut this "small-card-rich" plug out of play? And keep the same advantage?
3. How does one cut a "plug" of cards into or out of play? And track it to the cut?
4. Would ZG and/or others please post an expanded version of this play method?




The COT 101 describes a 1st-generation STtechq that is obsolete for MOST casino shuffles... BUT if you know what to look for there are some 6-8D games that can be tackled this way. COT is also a 1st-step towards grasping ST basics.

Yes, you apear to have done the conversion approx-correct as the endingRC (ERC)
must be diluted with the approx value of the dilution mixed into it, and then TCadjusted for the 3Ds in the example.

Yes, the ERC can be +or- and yet be converted to a +IRC by controlling the cutcard, and when the ERC/IRC is 0, there is still that GREAT "virtual penetration" of 95%.

As for controlling the cutcard, I rarely over even many hours give-up the card - and because I'm cutting the good cards into play the results tend to work better for everyone at the table and they get behind my official-status as the table cutter, which I perform not unlike a psychic scan and then a quick precision slice into the choosen section and several players in unison huff "YES!" to my "ahh-tchaa!" Controlling the cutcard and/or the placement of the cut is a minor but necessary additional skill. zg