Siena extends promotion!


Well-Known Member
If you buy in for a $1000 you get $1050 in non negatable chips! These chips are like real ones in that you don't lose them in a win or push and you win real money chips when you bet them. You only lose them if you lose the hand. It gives you a $50 edge in an hour or two of playing blackjack.


Well-Known Member
A little less

Cardcounter said:
If you buy in for a $1000 you get $1050 in non negatable chips! These chips are like real ones in that you don't lose them in a win or push and you win real money chips when you bet them. You only lose them if you lose the hand. It gives you a $50 edge in an hour or two of playing blackjack.
This is just semantics, but the value of the extra chips are less than 50 because it takes time to churn the chips into real ones. With a .5% HE, the chips are worth at MOST ~$1045 (bet all $1050 in 1 go). If you are playing in groups of $100, the chips are worth even less. But in the end, free EV is free EV so go at it!


Well-Known Member
Max bet on blackjack is $200-$500 per hand. You would give up more ev if you bet it all in one hand because than you need $3150 for splits and double downs. $3150 lets you make 4 hands on a split. Personally I prefer to play it out at $25-$50 a hand keeping the real money chips back and just playing the non negatables. I play through the whole non negatiable chips in less than 100 hands on average.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
Max bet on blackjack is $200-$500 per hand. You would give up more ev if you bet it all in one hand because than you need $3150 for splits and double downs. $3150 lets you make 4 hands on a split. Personally I prefer to play it out at $25-$50 a hand keeping the real money chips back and just playing the non negatables. I play through the whole non negatiable chips in less than 100 hands on average.
Well, $4020 is what you need to make 4 hands (not including double downs) but the point is that you are not playing $1050 worth in promo chips because sometimes you will win and keep those chips. According to Grosjean's Beyond Coupons, playing $100 worth in promo chips is worth $99.32 for a 6D S17 DOA DAS LS game even though the normal HE is .36%. This approximates the $1050 in chips to be worth about $1043 (given the rules provided which I assume is not the case with the casino giving the promo). But like I stated, the difference is fairly small and wouldn't change the fact that it is a good promotion.
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Well-Known Member
What are the rules on cashing out chips? Do they restrict you from cashing out the whole $1050 until you've traded them for real chips? Or do they only put restrictions on the extra $50?


Well-Known Member
You get non negatable chips which mean they have to be bet and lost you can only cash out the real chips you win with the non negotiable chips. For example you have a $25 non negatable chip out split win one and lose one than you would lose your non negotable chip one hand but win a real money chip on the second hand. Keeping your non negotable chip from the second hand to use to wager on another hand. Even the kids from Mit when they won a million they had lost millions on indivual hands.