Sim question Gold Nugget London


Well-Known Member
Dealer only draw one

Double on 9, 10 , 11 only

no split 10's 4s and 5s

6 deck shoe

pen 1 deck
or 1.5 deck dealer variance.

Please reply with odds.


Well-Known Member
Does the dealer hit or stand on a soft 17? Can you double down after splitting? Can you surrender (early or late)? In general you're probably looking at about a -.6% disadvantage, but the penetration seems reasonable. That's not an easy game to beat.



Well-Known Member
UK, so S17, re-split upto 4 hands, DAS, RSA, no surrender, insurance only on blackjack.



Well-Known Member
Dealer only draw one

Double on 9, 10 , 11 only

no split 10's 4s and 5s

6 deck shoe

Stand on soft 17

re-split up to 4 hands, Double after split. only one card for aces

no surrender

insurance only on blackjack.

pen 1 deck
or 1.5 deck dealer variance.

Please reply with odds.


Well-Known Member
According to the Basic Strategy Engine on this site you're looking at about a 0.65% disadvantage.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Sonny. I checked the BSE on the site.

Some additional questions.

It doesn't allow for the no split pictures, 4's and 5's, so then the odds are even worse.

And it also doesn't allow me to enter depth of penetration.

But that being said:

What difference does Dealer Peek no Peek make in a game? I presume that no peek is better (and dealer only draws one on the initial deal)


Well-Known Member
chichow said:
It doesn't allow for the no split pictures, 4's and 5's, so then the odds are even worse.
A basic strategy player would never split fives or tens anyway, and you would only split fours against a 5 or 6 so that rule won’t hurt you much.

chichow said:
And it also doesn't allow me to enter depth of penetration.
Penetration does not change the house edge.

chichow said:
What difference does Dealer Peek no Peek make in a game?
It changes some of the decisions because you don’t know of the dealer has a blackjack until after everyone has played their hands. You would be more hesitant to split or double against the dealer’s ten and ace in that case.



Well-Known Member
It's beatable, but it's far from a good game. The deep penetration i've seen in the UK is a plus and there are several other opportunities, but the truth is that just straight counting won't make a huge amount unless you are very aggressive with your spread.
