CVCX Output
Below is the output from CVCX. By the way, you didn't specify your count system, so I assumed HiLo. Also, I apologize that the alignment is slightly askew, but I'm sure you can figure out which heading goes with which column.
Ignore the "Set RoR" info... instead, I set the minimum bet to $5. The RoR figures given for the Optimum (Opt.) and Custom schedules are for a $10K bank. The Custom schedule is the schedule you specified; the Optimum schedule is the schedule calculated by CVCX.
To answer your specific questions, for your bet schedule you should win $22.53 per 100 hands, while for the optimum schedule you can up this to $25.31.
Hope this helps!
Dog Hand
Sunday, May 01, 2005, 09:39 PM
Rules H17 DAS
Decks Double
Penetration 55%
Set RoR 0.125%
Hands/Hour 100
Spread 10
Hands 2
Bankroll $10,000.00
Bet Results Results Results Std Dev Std Dev Risk of
Ruin Performance Performance
Bets Average
Bet %W/L WinRate $/Hr. Hand Hour Risk of
Opt. 2x2.516 1.006% 5.063 $25.31 7.283 72.826 2.2% 6.95 48.33
Custom 2x2.191 1.028% 4.505 $22.53 6.557 65.566 1.5% 6.87 47.22
Freq. EV EV Standard
Deviation Optimal Bets Optimal Bets Custom
Count Count
Freq. Win/Loss Std. Error Standard
Deviation Exact Chips Bets
<=-1 33.89% -1.89% 0.00 1.148 1.00 2x5 5
0 36.06% -0.37% 0.00 1.139 1.00 2x5 5
1 10.04% 0.36% 0.01 1.137 2.20 2x11 5
2 7.65% 0.90% 0.01 1.136 5.49 2x27 20
3 3.77% 1.41% 0.01 1.141 8.50 2x43 30
4 4.06% 1.98% 0.01 1.145 10.00 2x50 50
5 1.61% 2.60% 0.02 1.146 10.00 2x50 50
6 1.17% 3.23% 0.02 1.150 10.00 2x50 50
7 .69% 3.76% 0.03 1.148 10.00 2x50 50
8 .52% 4.41% 0.03 1.144 10.00 2x50 50
9 .23% 5.05% 0.04 1.140 10.00 2x50 50
10 .14% 5.57% 0.06 1.135 10.00 2x50 50
11 .08% 6.19% 0.07 1.131 10.00 2x50 50
>=12 .09% 7.14% 0.07 1.123 10.00 2x50 50