My old way of figuring out conversion factors was screwed up, here is the real way to do it, subtract the number of cards seen from the total number of cards (if 10 cards have been seen in a two card deck subtract 10 from 104 to get 94). Than divide that number by 52 (94/52 = 1.8 approx). Then take the reciprocal of that number, in other words divide 1 by it (1/1.8 =.55 , I would round this down) This is real easy using a calculator with a reciprocal button on it.
Using this method I figured out that if your playing a single deck game, here are the conversion factors for the number of cards seen, most of them rounded down.
0 cards seen=1
6 cards seen=1.1
12 cards seen=1.3
16 cards seen=1.4
20 cards seen=1.6
23 cards seen=1.8 (1.793 rounded up)
26 cards seen=2
28 cards seen=2.1
30 cards seen=2.3
32 cards seen=2.6
34 cards seen=2.9 (2.888 rounded up)
36 cards seen=3.2
37 cards seen=3.4
38 cards seen=3.7
39 cards seen=4
As you can see during the first 16 cards the conversion factor only increases from 1 to 1.4, starting with 1. The second 16 cards there is a massive increase from 1.4 to 2.6, so keeping tabs on number of cards seen and figuring out the conversion factor accordingly (especially in the later rounds) could help you out immensely, if your sitting in one of the last seats in a 7 person game, your conversion factor could range from 1.4 to 3+ in the second round based upon number of cards seen. If you have a single deck game that has enough deck penetration to get you to 3 rounds in 4 or 5 person play (occasionally can get this far with really good dealers) the range could be 1.6 to 4+!!!!
Obviously it takes extra effort to calculate conversion factors based upon the number of cards seen but if you play a lot of single deck blackjack, sit in the last seat (or next to last), want to make super informed play and betting decisions, especially in the final round(s), this chart will help you out.
Using this method I figured out that if your playing a single deck game, here are the conversion factors for the number of cards seen, most of them rounded down.
0 cards seen=1
6 cards seen=1.1
12 cards seen=1.3
16 cards seen=1.4
20 cards seen=1.6
23 cards seen=1.8 (1.793 rounded up)
26 cards seen=2
28 cards seen=2.1
30 cards seen=2.3
32 cards seen=2.6
34 cards seen=2.9 (2.888 rounded up)
36 cards seen=3.2
37 cards seen=3.4
38 cards seen=3.7
39 cards seen=4
As you can see during the first 16 cards the conversion factor only increases from 1 to 1.4, starting with 1. The second 16 cards there is a massive increase from 1.4 to 2.6, so keeping tabs on number of cards seen and figuring out the conversion factor accordingly (especially in the later rounds) could help you out immensely, if your sitting in one of the last seats in a 7 person game, your conversion factor could range from 1.4 to 3+ in the second round based upon number of cards seen. If you have a single deck game that has enough deck penetration to get you to 3 rounds in 4 or 5 person play (occasionally can get this far with really good dealers) the range could be 1.6 to 4+!!!!
Obviously it takes extra effort to calculate conversion factors based upon the number of cards seen but if you play a lot of single deck blackjack, sit in the last seat (or next to last), want to make super informed play and betting decisions, especially in the final round(s), this chart will help you out.
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