Single Deck


Well-Known Member
Barona casino in San Diego, just opened a single deck $25 game. H17, DAS, late surrender. I just checkd the Strategy engine chart and notice a few things that surprise me.
Can anyone tell me why you split 9/9 vs dealer 10 andAce? Is this one of those answers like you don't win more but you lose less? (like 8/8 vs 9/10/Ace)
I can understand surrender of 7/7 (2 of the 4 7's are gone) vs 10 but why not the same for Ace?
Why split 7/7 vs. Dealer 8?
Why 3/3 vs Dealer 8

SD Padres

Well-Known Member
9,9 vs 10 or A is more of a defensive move.

3,3 vs 8 makes sense in the fact that if you don't spilt and draw a face card you are more likely to bust after your additional card. Plus there is good chance to DAS

7,7 vs 8 you are more likely to bust but if you split you may have the opportunity to double after split or get pat hand

just my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
tedloc said:
Barona casino in San Diego, just opened a single deck $25 game. H17, DAS, late surrender. I just checkd the Strategy engine chart and notice a few things that surprise me.
Can anyone tell me why you split 9/9 vs dealer 10 andAce? Is this one of those answers like you don't win more but you lose less? (like 8/8 vs 9/10/Ace)
I can understand surrender of 7/7 (2 of the 4 7's are gone) vs 10 but why not the same for Ace?
Why split 7/7 vs. Dealer 8?
Why 3/3 vs Dealer 8
First, stand on 9-9 v 10, NOT split
As for the other plays, the DAS rule makes splitting the better choice (assume split to 4 hands allowed):
9-9 v A (combination of DAS and H17 makes splitting marginally better than standing. This is a defensive move)
7-7 v 8 (DAS makes spliiting better than hitting by about 2.7%. This is a defensive move)
3-3 v 8 (DAS makes splitting better than hitting by about 0.9%. This is a defensive move)

7-7 v A should be surrendered btw. (surrender is better than hitting by about 2.3%)
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Well-Known Member
tedloc said:
Barona casino in San Diego, just opened a single deck $25 game. H17, DAS, late surrender. I just checkd the Strategy engine chart and notice a few things that surprise me.
Can anyone tell me why you split 9/9 vs dealer 10 andAce? Is this one of those answers like you don't win more but you lose less? (like 8/8 vs 9/10/Ace)
I can understand surrender of 7/7 (2 of the 4 7's are gone) vs 10 but why not the same for Ace?
Why split 7/7 vs. Dealer 8?
Why 3/3 vs Dealer 8
check again it's not split 9,9vs10 is it?
but 9,9vsA has ever so slight better ev, lol.
probably to do with das for the 9,9vA. :confused:


bj bob

Well-Known Member
Digging deeper

tedloc said:
Barona casino in San Diego, just opened a single deck $25 game. H17, DAS, late surrender.
Can anyone tell me why you split 9/9 vs dealer 10 and Ace?
1) As the previous posters have noted, BS does not call for splitting against the 10.
2) A big part of the logic behind the split of 9,9 v. A is twofold. One, the dealer, after checking for BJ is telling you he has no 10 underneath , and therefore does not hold an immediate 21. Secondly, because it's SD, you by virtue of holding 2 9's yourself, have removed half of the cards that would have given the dealer the second best result, i.e the 20. Add that to the fact that your original 18 would be a slight loser to the result of the dealer's total, as well as the slightly higher probability of you catching 10's on each of your 9's and you now have the recipe for a slightly better outcome.
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Well-Known Member

Thanks for the help.
Your right, I read the chart incorrectly on the 9/9 vs dealer 10


Well-Known Member
9/9 vs. 10 is SPLIT

Folks, I just checked the strategy engine right here on this site. For single deck, H17, DAS, it says split 9's vs. 10. Why is everybody saying stand? Now, I have never seen a single deck game that allows DAS, but if both DAS and H17, the engine here says split. Is the basic stratagy engine here wrong?


Well-Known Member
SecurityRisk said:
Folks, I just checked the strategy engine right here on this site. For single deck, H17, DAS, it says split 9's vs. 10.
I think it says to stand. Am I looking at the wrong chart?




Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I think it says to stand. Am I looking at the wrong chart?

You are right Sonny you stand with 9,9 v 10.

Another weird move in this game is to split your pair of 4's vs dealer 4.

There is also a SD game with DAS in Mesquite. A very rare rule.
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Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
1) As the previous posters have noted, BS does not call for splitting against the 10.
2) A big part of the logic behind the split of 9,9 v. A is twofold. One, the dealer, after checking for BJ is telling you he has no 10 underneath , and therefore does not hold an immediate 21. Secondly, because it's SD, you by virtue of holding 2 9's yourself, have removed half of the cards that would have given the dealer the second best result, i.e the 20. Add that to the fact that your original 18 would be a slight loser to the result of the dealer's total, as well as the slightly higher probability of you catching 10's on each of your 9's and you now have the recipe for a slightly better outcome.
It appears your idea about the availability of nines may have the most influence on the decision to split/stand. I started with 6 decks and removed 20 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ace) and 80 tens so what is left is a single deck except there are 24 nines. From that I dealt a hand of 9-9 v ace. Splitting is not a good idea if there are a lot of nines! Even adding one more nine so there are 3 nines available intead of 2 makes standing better by about 2.1%,



Well-Known Member
tedloc said:
No. with two players, they deal until their are 18 cards left. With three-5 players, the deal 2 hands
So what you're saying is with two players they deal 65% pen, but with 3-5 they only deal two rounds. Let's clear this up. How many rounds do they deal to 2 players?


Well-Known Member
tedloc said:
No. with two players, they deal until their are 18 cards left. With three-5 players, the deal 2 hands
That's what the wizard of odds wrote. I call bullshits. During my brief observations, they dealt rule of 5, so no more than 4 rounds to 1 player, or 3 rounds to two players.


Well-Known Member
Here it s

jimbiggs said:
So what you're saying is with two players they deal 65% pen, but with 3-5 they only deal two rounds. Let's clear this up. How many rounds do they deal to 2 players?
They don't have a set amount of rounds with 2 players. The game just recently started. When I was there on Sunday, one of the supervisors was telling a new dealer how to deal the game. His instructions were: "With 2 players, continue to deal until you have appx. 18 cards. " He told her to go home and hold 18 cards for an hour or two and get the feel of it.
I know this does not sound too scientific but it's a new game. They may eventually set a limiit as to the number of rounds.
With 3-5 players they deal 2 rounds.