Sleaze of the Week


An old technique goes high-tech - Ace up the sleeve. Thanks to ScottH for finding this! zg

Online Poker Cheating Software!

"BREAKTHROUGH - New 'Covert' Online Cheating Software Released -
*Change Your Hole Cards* Into Any Two Cards You Want!!
(Dead link: :laugh:
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That would be funny if both players showed the same hand... I am sure that would raise some interesting questions. Has anyone actually tried this thing?


Well-Known Member
Can't believe this guy says it's legal. Does the warranty say he'll do the time when you do the crime? Also he says it's not detectable. Well, not by the people that show their cards. But I imagine it's detectable by anyone that dropped out or mucked and had a card you picked. The software probably never sees those cards.

WHOIS says the site is owned by John Desmore in Los Angeles. John Desmore was the drummer for The Doors.


Staff member
I'm certain, without even checking, that all this software does is change the images of the cards on your screen. It's a scam.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that this program really works. How would PartyPoker recognize that your cards have changed? I think that this program simply puts images of the cards you choose on top of your real cards. I tried it out on free money and it APPEARS to change your cards, althought the trial version doesnt allow you to go to a showdown, I wonder why? It sounds like a scam to me. Even if it isn't a scam, why risk going to jail for a few dollars?


And the most obvious - the poker sites have fairly sophisticated software to detect things that may be going on, collusion, etc. zg


New Member
No this thing DOES NOT WORK! trust me. I am a software devleoper. All they do is change the images on your computer. There is no way that party poker would receive this change.

That is also the reason why the demo version folds your hand until you buy it. BECASE IT DOES NOT WORK!!! So when you pay them the $399 they give you the version that doesn't fold your hand, and then sadly you find out that you were scammed.

And technically it does not say that it will allow you to win with the pocket aces. it only says that it will change your hand, and it does. So he is not really doing anything wrong. He's just tricking people...



Well-Known Member
You are probably right that it is a scam. But, it depends on how PP works. A very common method of web server/client applications is for the entire state of a transaction (a complete hand in this case) be communicated back and forth with each interaction. In fact this was nearly always the case when the web began as the web applications are generally stateless. This greatly reduces server overhead. In such a case, it would be possible to insert a proxy server into the communication and alter the state.

Hard to believe PP would be this stupid though.


Well-Known Member
If all it does is change the image on your screen that can explain why he claims it 100% legal and undetectable.


Well-Known Member
E-town-guy said:
If all it does is change the image on your screen that can explain why he claims it 100% legal and undetectable.
Right. Although I believe he claims that you can win at the showdown with your changed cards.


Well-Known Member
ScottH said:
Right. Although I believe he claims that you can win at the showdown with your changed cards.
Actually after going back to the site I see that he never specifically says that. This guy is pretty tricky...but it sounds like everything he says is true. He just wants everyone to assume it actually works!