Sleaze Scammer Of Week: 'deal Or No Deal'


Scammer purports "proof" with a whopping 45,000 hand simulation. zg

(Dead link: _.....Lets Deal Or No Deal...... _

Free Inside: A powerful copyrighted gambling system and winning strategies with over 90% winning possibilities. This was proven by an extensive research on 1000 hours of combined Baccarat and Craps historical and computer random generated plays totaling to 45,000 decisions. This amazing system may surprise you. It shatters many preconceived notions about the gambler’s “minus expectancy.” This new gaming system can consistently overcome and profit from zero-sum casino table games.

What an opportunity! You can win now than you ever thought possible – and you can do it with confidence and assurance that most of the time your bets are always on the winning side.

"Free Win Baccarat Free Win Craps System" will provide you the wins and profits you never thought possible, with:

o Limited Downside Risk
o Unlimited Upside Profits
o Easy to Learn and Simple Plays

Purported simulation results here - (Archive copy)


Well-Known Member

have a look at (Archive copy)


On another note....

I do have a system to beat the big spinny wheels. I measure the variance of the dealer spins, if the standard deviation is below 0.5 revolutions you usually have a player edge on the 47:1 squares. Just need a spinner who is doing it with almost the same force every time. Not hard to find in australia. Some of our wheel games only spin 3-4 revolutions each time.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Scammer purports "proof" with a whopping 45,000 hand simulation. zg
Believe it or not this guys system actually works, and I haven't even looked at it. Here's how it's done. He runs simulations on say 10,000,000 hands and finds his system is a loser. But by doing some data mining he discovers during certain runs of hands the system actually makes money. So he creates his system from the positive run of hands and sells it to you. Voila he has curve fit his system. Now you go and use it and discover it just doesn't work. You might catch a lucky period where it shows a profit but over the long run you will go broke.

I run enough simulations in the markets to see this all the time. It's sad that people like this will take advantage of other humans for their own gain.


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
I run enough simulations in the markets to see this all the time. It's sad that people like this will take advantage of other humans for their own gain.
Well, he's just another AP! I just prefer to take money from casinos rather than normal people...