Smartphone Blackjack Calucaltors


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of any smartphone blackjack calculators? I would like a program that would determine the house edge due to the rules and # of decks. A program that had practice drills or index number tables could be useful too. If there are not any out there, I could possibly write them. Let me know if there is any interest or if there are already tools out there.



Well-Known Member
I would be interested in such a program if you can write it....

I currently use the Motorola Q, which is windows mobile.


Well-Known Member
I use the T-mobile Dash, they are both smart phones and have the landscape screen layout. I'll start with the rule calculator, it should be easy. If I can get that working I'll go from there.



Well-Known Member

Would this be legal?

I am sure this is illegal, to have such computers in a casino in Nevada (and probably elsewhere).

Even though a player may not be using a computer/program like this to cheat a casino, the intent may not matter. Even if the computer/program may not be for calculating edge while playing that may not matter. The computer/program would be used for calculating edge while not playing and may be just as illegal. Just having the computer/program on your person inside a casino may be enough cause for an arrest.

If it's not illegal I would like to use a program like this to practice. I would figure out the legality of such programs first, before I tried to use one.

Casino Verite for use on a PDA or cell phone would be great!!


Well-Known Member
I'm really not sure on the legality, your not using the program to get an edge only to calculate the house's edge due to certain rule sets. Maybe I should look into this before I take the time to write the code.



Well-Known Member

weavin42 said:
I'm really not sure on the legality, your not using the program to get an edge only to calculate the house's edge due to certain rule sets. Maybe I should look into this before I take the time to write the code.


In nevada it is illegal to have loaded dice in your possession inside a casino regardless of intent.

I am thinking that this might be along the same lines, just possession of devices that a player can use to gain an edge over the casino would be against the law.

The computer program would be to calculate your edge and that might be enough to get you arrested, regardless of how well it calculates your edge.

Matter of fact the casino might interpret the computer only along the lines of the player using it to gain an advantage over the house and in way they would be correct. A player with this smartphone program would be using it to calculate which games are good and which ones are bad and then the player would stay away from the bad games. That could be interpreted by the casino as using a computer/device not available to a regular joe to gaining an edge and could lead to a player's arrest.

If you/we are not sure of the legality then we should just stay away from it until we find out the FACTS.

This program would be alright to have outside of a casino but to bring it with you to a table, regardless of whether you use it or not, would be inviting trouble.

And you as a player would have to do something to get the casino to even look at the phone for such programs. But with a felony charge and possible prison time I would not even take the chance, even if it is a small chance.


Well-Known Member
NRS 465.075 Use of device for calculating probabilities. It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming establishment to use, or possess with the intent to use, any device to assist:

1. In projecting the outcome of the game;

2. In keeping track of the cards played;

3. In analyzing the probability of the occurrence of an event relating to the game; or

4. In analyzing the strategy for playing or betting to be used in the game,

except as permitted by the Commission.
QFIT said:
NRS 465.075 Use of device for calculating probabilities. It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming establishment to use, or possess with the intent to use, any device to assist:

Possession of such devices may be illegal, but the search of private property isn't legal, either.

In United States the evidence obtained from an illegal search is not admissible in court. If you don't consent when they ask you for permission to search you cellphone, PDA, or laptop, the authorities may only force the search if they have a "search warrant" signed by a judge, and that is next to impossible unless they have "probable cause".

If they have video footage from the ceiling cameras of you actually using such a device, you are pretty much screwed, but they do not have carte-blanche to search software installed on cellphones and PDAs at random.

Just having such software installed on a device in your possession may get you banned from the casino if you refuse to allow them to look at it, but they will probably not arrest you unless they have additional evidence on you, enough for a judge to sign a search warrant.


Well-Known Member
so what about a basic strategy card? couldn't that be considered a device for In analyzing the strategy for playing or betting to be used in the game?


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
so what about a basic strategy card? couldn't that be considered a device for In analyzing the strategy for playing or betting to be used in the game?
It's not an electronic device.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
4. In analyzing the strategy for playing
Using a cellphone program to figure out which games to play could be interpreted as "analyzing the strategy for playing". A player would be analyzing the game to figure out if it is worth playing or not.

It would be a stretch but remember you and the casino are coming from two completely opposite positions.

The player is coming from the position of legally exploiting any advantage possible and will interpret any laws liberally. A player will interpret laws to their advantage, they may not see anything illegal with certain tactics or technologies that the casino would see as wrong.

The casino is coming from a position of game protection and will interpret any laws conservatively. If there is any sort of ambiguity to laws the casino will interpret the laws more tightly than a player would, the casino would be more strict in their interpretation than the player would.

And I am thinking that the justice system will side with the casino with their vast experience, monetary resources, trained-security, and local interests; rather than the player who just has visual evidence coming from one person-himself, just as a general rule.

It would sure suck if a player were to be winning then the player's buddy, who had been watching the whole time, says "hey look he's finally winning big-time. He has a program on his cell-phone that tells him how to play." It could happen (and probably will, sooner or later regardless of whether the player is using it to cheat or not), people do stupid things all the time.

In other situations it may just be a case of "let's us look at your software or else". All under the table of course.


Active Member
NDN21 said:
Using a cellphone program to figure out which games to play could be interpreted as "analyzing the strategy for playing".
It would sure suck if a player were to be winning then the player's buddy, who had been watching the whole time, says "hey look he's finally winning big-time. He has a program on his cell-phone that tells him how to play." It could happen (and probably will, sooner or later regardless of whether the player is using it to cheat or not), people do stupid things all the time.

In other situations it may just be a case of "let's us look at your software or else". All under the table of course.
The Casino would be shooting itself in the foot if they subjected every winning blackjack player with a cellphone to a search.


Well-Known Member

I have looked and looked twice but nowhere in any post in this thread do I see where anyone suggested that the casino would be checking every winning player's cellphone.

The casino finding the program on a cellphone would be a longshot to happen but it could. With a felony charge (I am felony-free) and the accompanying jail-time I do not feel it would worth the risk to take a smartphone blackjack program into a casino.


Well-Known Member
I guess I won't take the time to write this. It was going to be more of an educational experience for me since I've never programmed for a smartphone. I suppose IF I really needed to calculate the house's edge I could fire up either the wi-fi or an edge session and use an online calculator. The computing would actually be done on computer hosting the site, not my phone...of course this is probably also illegal.

I'll just stick to my 25 year old brain. (last time I checked, it's not illegal to think in a casino)
