Smoking Ban


Well-Known Member
Well its been nearly a year now since the smoking ban hit the UK (longer in Scotland). Its been depressing having to go outside of the pub for a smoke when beer and fags go hand in hand. You can't smoke anymore in pubs, bars, clubs, resturants or any other indoor public place - hang on, that includes casino's.

Yep, you can't smoke in casinos anymore, I'm a smoker and I've been trying to figure out if this is good or bad for me.'s absolutely brillant - what happens now when you're playing a cold shoe - simple go for a smoke. No more looking dodgy, leaving and returning to the BJ table every 10 or 20 minutes. "Hey, I smoke 60 a day, gotta smoke, gotta light?, be back soon, Keep an eye on chips, thanks".

leave the table and come back at the start of a new shoe or better still get a backcounter to keep the count for you.

So anyway, Tip of the week - if you count cards and don't smoke. Buy 20 B&H and keep them on the BJ table next to your chips, ready for that quick get away.