Smoking Ban


Well-Known Member
Well its been nearly a year now since the smoking ban hit the UK (longer in Scotland). Its been depressing having to go outside of the pub for a smoke when beer and fags go hand in hand. You can't smoke anymore in pubs, bars, clubs, resturants or any other indoor public place - hang on, that includes casino's.

Yep, you can't smoke in casinos anymore, I'm a smoker and I've been trying to figure out if this is good or bad for me.'s absolutely brillant - what happens now when you're playing a cold shoe - simple go for a smoke. No more looking dodgy, leaving and returning to the BJ table every 10 or 20 minutes. "Hey, I smoke 60 a day, gotta smoke, gotta light?, be back soon, Keep an eye on chips, thanks".

leave the table and come back at the start of a new shoe or better still get a backcounter to keep the count for you.

So anyway, Tip of the week - if you count cards and don't smoke. Buy 20 B&H and keep them on the BJ table next to your chips, ready for that quick get away.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, smoking kills.. good choice banning it!! :eyepatch:

As for your strategy it sounds great, maybe I'll try it sometime.. but what if you have a heart attack whilst there is a TC of +6 inside... :eek:


Well-Known Member
Harman said:
Hey guys, smoking kills.. good choice banning it!! :eyepatch:

As for your strategy it sounds great, maybe I'll try it sometime.. but what if you have a heart attack whilst there is a TC of +6 inside... :eek:
yep Harman, I'd be gutted having a heart attack with a TC of +6 but if its a TC of -6 i could live with it - just another excuse to leave the table. In fact i might consider faking heart attacks from now on when i've been dealt 15 or 16. arrrrggggghhhhhhh.


Funny on the gala website it still says "Non smoking tables on request" lol. Think they need to update that!

Actually i most probably will miss smoking at the table, i mean its very true when the count starts getting low, you can go have a smoke, get refreshed and come back into hopefully a good shoe :p!

Ill see how it goes in afew weeks (first casino trip) woo!!)


Have to say, being a non smoker, I've found it literally a breath of fresh air. No more reeking of fags after 5 mins.

Have to admit that it does give a good excuse for wonging it, unless they check the cameras and don't see you heading outside lol.


Well-Known Member
A.Conti said:
Do you really smoke 60 a day, or was it just an example?
Just an example, but smoking 60 a day would mean (if you didn't smoke in your sleep) you would smoke approx every 15 mins.