So blazing fast...


Well-Known Member
I know I have posted a lot of threads much like this, but at my last trip to the casino I still cannot successful count cards, after about 2 or 3 trips of trying. I am reading and learning Wong's Hi Lo tables, but the dealer deals just so fast I get lost in where I was and where I am going. I can go through a deck quite fast on my own, but when I am making decisions on the cards I recieve, while counting cards, dealing with the smoke and noise, I just seem to fail. I might get 1 or 2 hands where I correctly get the count, but after that I am done for. Any tips? I checked out the Card Counting Tutor at, and it IS still broken when calculating counts for the splits. Maybe that will help me withthe speed of the cards, but I am scared I will learn wrong using a messed up program(Garbage in, Garbage out so to speak). Do I have any hope?

Thankfully I get on 3 or 5 dollar tables, and I am currently up using basic strategy while trying to get the right count by a small margin. Any tips?


Make sure that you can count the cards in combinations (e.g. pairs, triples, etc). Don't count each card as it comes out. Count on the second round. Then, if a player hits, splits or doubles count that card as well. Sometimes you can look at two players' hands at once and they might cancel each other out (ex: Player1: 10,10; Player 2: 5,5; your count 0). Don't count it -2 (or -4 depending), then 0, look at them together as 0. These are just things you have to do when the dealer gets ahead of his/herself.

Another thing to do is play at your pace. Slow the dealer down yourself. Don't let them intimidate you, you have every right to play at your own speed. This is more effective when there are not so many people at the table, most productive when alone, but on a crowded table there is usually someone who takes their time. When it is this person's turn to make a decision, make a conscious effort to focus harder during this time.



Well-Known Member
my advice

Go buy blackjack bluebook II. Learn the basic kiss count, once you have mastered that then you can move on to stage II, and stage III if you feel confident. In stage I you only count about half the cards, and after a few times of playing this will be easy for you. It is a unbalanced counting system and you dont need to worry about switching from positive to negative in your count. kiss stands for- keep it simple stupid.
good luck


It's all about good practice. That is, practicing the skill as well as the conditions. Practice counting until you are so fast and accurate that you can't really believe it's actually that easy. Then add a distraction. Again, do it until it becomes unbelievably easy. Then add another distraction. I had basic strategy memorized when I started counting cards. First I learned to count accurately, then I added speed, then I added the TV, then I added the TV and a drink (alcoholic of course), then I added my wifes conversation. Then after all that I added playing heads up into the mix, then I added playing 2-3 hands. Then I added playing and betting and all of the previous elements. And finally when I got so good that I couldn't believe I was actually doing it, then I went to a casino and backcounted and imagined myself making the plays at a table while the cards were coming out for some random people.

When I finally sat down to start playing for real, I was so extremely confident in my abilites that I didn't hesitate to use them at all and in one weekend pretty much paid for all my time spent practicing. When I counted cards in a casino for the first time I was SHOCKED at how easy it was but that just a testament to the time and effort I spent

Keep in mind that it is a lot to ask but the rewards are great. Also, while practicing all of this you should also be exercising your mind on a few other things as well...

Proper table selection (you have to know the limitations of your skill)
Proper bankroll consideration (you have to know the limitations of your money)
And finally HEAT!!!

I have no way to advise on heat as I am a new player and have yet to experience any significant heat. I did once recieve a funny look from a pitter critter when I was back counting but I just left cause I felt uneasy about it and went to another casino. Perhaps one of the seasoned vets can help you with dealing with heat when you get there.


Well-Known Member
First time to the casino using my new found skill, i was like what the hell happened. I could count down a deck in about 20 sec but cant keep a running count here at the table. What would happen is that the dealer would not call out the hand totals and when it would be time to play my hand i would have to play it accordingly while adding the new total if i had hit or split the hand which would make matters worse for me. While playing my hands I was not able to count the cards I had hit for a new card or split and if any of them had busted the dealer would scoop them up and I'd totally forget what card had made me bust and therefore the count was lost. Adding hand totals is a skill that is very overlooked by new counters as i had learned the hard way. Also technique, like Madmax said learn to count the cards in pairs. What i do is wait till the dealer is going to deal the second card to each player, starting from 1st base and follow the dealer as he deals the second card to each all while counting the cards in pairs, ignoring the dealers up card till all players made their playing decisions. Then count the hit cards to each player this time in significant pairs. Meaning player 1 hits and gets a 10 then ill wait till next player hits for a + or - valued card to either cancel each other out or count them as -2 for my running count. After all players made their decision count the dealers cards. Smartcards by Extreme Blackjack is a great program that helps you practice alot of the skills that are overlooked well worth the price if you ask me. Not sure if Ken is selling this program or not you can ask him or he could chime in.


Well-Known Member
Thank you

I am a little uncertain as to when I should count in pairs. Is it when the Second round of cards come out, or when people actually start hitting/standing/splitting?


Well-Known Member
I had the same experience you had my 1st time counting at a casino. I'd been practicing with face up games no problem and when I went to play face-down single deck, it was way too fast for me to keep up.

I've since been practicing face down improving my speed and I'm almost ready to give it another go. I'll try just watching for a bit to see if I can do it before I actually play. In a face up game, I like to count in pairs after the 2nd cards are dealt. Having BS down cold is essential at least it was for me before I could increase my counting speed.


Well-Known Member

Count in pairs whenever you see two uncounted cards together.

I usually don't attach too much importance to this, but in your case I have to ask: How fast can you count down a deck?


Well-Known Member

about 30 seconds usually, and one out of ten times i might be one off. I think i am just easily distracted.


Well-Known Member
Practice, practice, practice

30 seconds is just barely borderline good enough. Don't be neglecting the basics!