So I got some marketing offers in the mail..

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I moved over a year ago, and never updated my driver's license. Usually I count on my old roommate to hold my casino mailings. However, a couple months ago, I got a new players card at one of the shops in my area.

So today, I get a nice marketing mailings complete with 2 free room coupons and two decent match plays for the one night I played there at red chip stakes (the economy must be killing the casinos. That store isn't the only one who has sent me multiple room offers for extremely occasional outings playing red chip stakes!)

So my question is, I gave the casino in question my old address when I applied for the card. HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET MY CURRENT ADDRESS?


Well-Known Member
Maybe a piece of mail came back to them as "address corrected", as opposed to just "return to sender"

What property is this that you are referring to ?