Soft Hand Strategy/Play


New Member
Can someone tell me why soft hands are not played the same as hard hands.
Why double down (for example) on the 3,4,5,6 if you have an A,7 instead of treating it as 18 which beats what the dealer has to draw to.


Well-Known Member
Texan4Ever said:
Can someone tell me why soft hands are not played the same as hard hands.
Because they cannot be busted.

Texan4Ever said:
Why double down (for example) on the 3,4,5,6 if you have an A,7 instead of treating it as 18 which beats what the dealer has to draw to.
Because you will win more money than if you stand in those cases. You want to get more money on the table when the dealer shows a weak card. Also, an 18 is generally a losing hand.
