some definitions


Well-Known Member
i got some definitions here and was hoping that some one might give maybe a better definition or add a formula to fit. i took them out of the online Blackjack Encyclopedia of Casino 21 and one on N0 from qfit's cvcx help.
expectation. The theoretical outcome per wager and a measure of how much the player (or casino) can expect to lose (or win) in a particular game based on the handle. This measure (generally expressed in dollars or percent) is based on the player's statistical advantage or disadvantage.
variance. In statistics, the mean of the squares of the variations from the mean of a frequency distribution.
standard deviation. (SD). Also called fluctuation or luck. This statistical index is often used in technical blackjack texts as a measure of how much individual wins and losses can differ from the average. In statistics, the SD is the square root of its variance and is used as a measure of dispersion in a distribution. In an even game, the SD is often approximated as the square root of the total number of hands or bets divided by 2 as shown below:
SD = (Square Root of N) / 2
where N = number of hands.
For all practical purposes (99.7% of the time), you will be within 3 SDs of your expectation. 95.4% of the time you will be within 2 SDs and 68.3% of the time you will be within 1 SD.
In blackjack, where one side enjoys an advantage, it is more appropriate to express SD as a percentage. The percentage of the SD can be expressed as:
% SD = (1.1 / (Square Root of N)) x 100
N0. (N-zero) A mathematical term that reflects the number of hands required to be played with a certain set of rules and strategy before the player is ahead by at least one standard deviation. Related to the variance and expected value as follows: N0 = Var / EV^2.
N0 - N0 is another strategy scoring technique developed by Brett Harris. It is defined as "the number of rounds that must be played, with a fixed betting spread, such that the accumulated expectation equals the accumulated standard deviation As such, it is a measure of how many rounds must be played to overcome a negative fluctuation of one standard deviation with such a fixed spread."
risk of ruin. (ROR) The probability of losing your bankroll. Can be expressed as a trip risk of ruin or total bank risk of ruin


Well-Known Member
The variance definition while correct, seems to be weak and unclear. I think I would start with the dictionary definition and go from there:

Variance: A difference between what is expected and what actually occurs.