Some PCs have long memories


Well-Known Member
I'm playing yesterday at a place I've been ID'ed as a counter in the past. As long as I don't see a familiar face among PCs, it hasn't been a problem. All of a sudden a relief PC comes along and I recognize him as putting the cut card at 50% on me about 6 months ago (I have a long memory, too.) So, I get up and find another pit. Before long, the dealer reshuffles right after the player next to me leaves and I spread from one spot to two ($50 on each.) The eye must have tracked me over there and given them advance notice, as I didn't see anyone say anything to the dealer!


Well-Known Member
Some dealers have long memories too. :)

The problem is that sometimes dealers turn into floormen. Suddenly the nice young lady who carelessly notices how you always spread to two hands after lots of little cards come out starts to understand why you do it.

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