Someone tell me how good this game is.


New Member
I live in Indiana. It seems around here we have a lot of Spanish 21 games. I just wondered how good these games are. 8 deck, surrender anytime,double down anytime (even on 4 cards I believe), about 60-65 % penetration, dealer stands on soft 17, blackjack is still 3 to 2. There are some other crazy rules with 7's but I am not exactly sure what that is. Something about getting 3 7's and the payout is larger. Does anyone know what the house advantage on this might be?


With the correct 'SBJ-BS' (basic strategy for spanish21) the OTT housEdge is about .9% - span21 is a real dog - worse than moste any crappy regBJ game - addt'l info on sBJ may be found at

Like I've been known to tell the pit - "The reason I don't play sBJ? Because I may be loco, but I'm not bindahjo!" zg

Ps - if you do try to count it, start your (hiLo) count at -24 (or -28 for 8D), better still, foggitaboutit!


Active Member
Re: Someone tell me OOPS HERE

Thanks Zen. I had no idea that spanish 21 deck was minus 4 tens. Those casino dealers never told me. No wonder I lost all my money. Only 100 dollars, though. I was planning on learning some new card counting strategies and playing spanish 21 but I guess not.