Splitting Aces


New Member
Last night at the local casino my cousin had an awsome accurance. We were sitting at the $10 min. Table and about 3 hands in he draws a pair of aces, Im thinking no big deal pair of aces. He has about $40 on one hand and splits. He draws a 14 and another Ace. So we convince him to split again. This time he draws another 14 and another ace. Im think holy **** thats awsome. So he splits and draws 2 15's. At this point im nervous because the dealer is showing a king. So when it gets back to the dealer you can just see the table tense up. As she flips the card and reveals a five. From here it was like everything was slowmotion as she pulled the card from the shoe to revel an 8! it was on of the most exciting moments ive had encounter playing blackjack....next to have alot of money out there and having to push a 17 :p

Has anyone else seen or had this happen... It was really intense, at least for us amature counters.


Well-Known Member
i had playing a few months ago something similar, hand ends up 4 split aces against a queen, only thing with my 4 hands of aces i drew 2 2's and 2 more aces, so i had a total of 4 hands with 2 hands of TWO and 2 hands of THREE really, ended up being the happiest person at the table when the dealer flipped a 6 and then a 6 for her bust.



Well-Known Member
That is very common to have to split more then a couple times, but if 40 bucks makes u excited when u hit a few times you got a ways to go kid. You have got to get it so you look like you dont care about spending that kind of money and it doesnt even matter or its gonna look real funny when you get a TC if +6 and you push out 2 hans of 100 $ or something. The pit is gonna be like this kid just **** when he hit for 100 and he looked like he was gonna cry when he was pushing the money out, why is he now betting so high, It may not get you bounced but it may draw some very unwanted attention.

takinfromindians97 said:
That is very common to have to split more then a couple times, but if 40 bucks makes u excited when u hit a few times you got a ways to go kid. You have got to get it so you look like you dont care about spending that kind of money and it doesnt even matter or its gonna look real funny when you get a TC if +6 and you push out 2 hans of 100 $ or something. The pit is gonna be like this kid just **** when he hit for 100 and he looked like he was gonna cry when he was pushing the money out, why is he now betting so high, It may not get you bounced but it may draw some very unwanted attention.

The main thing is the guy got a rush, the money is relative, and he is learning.

Sorta nice hearing that excitment again.

I always enjoy it at the tables when i get seated with those very enthused young people, spouting the cliches and VODOOdo, strange...but I really do enjoy it.

Funny too when they look to me for advice, out of all who are at the table and then say, "Sir, would you splt these hands"....Sir...hmm, "Young man, I am new to this game, ask the dealer" ;) :laugh:



Well-Known Member
i never get tired of reading other's newfound excitement at a hand that some of us have seen before.


Well-Known Member
I'm just glad you were at a table that let you resplit aces!

I think on a very early session I had one of those 4x hands that turned out well. I literally stopped playing, called a friend, and screamed into the phone "I JUST WON A HUNNERT SIXTY DOLLAZ!"


New Member
Yea, i get such a high from the casinos. Its why i started going so much. Were just amatures most defently. Besides the casino we were at we decided that we dont try to "take" them by using any method that could get us the boot. its close to home and i would hate to drive 2+ hours every time i did want to play. So we just play for fun while trying to see if we can keep the count and how accurate we are.


Well-Known Member
brett877 said:
Last night at the local casino my cousin had an awsome accurance. We were sitting at the $10 min. Table and about 3 hands in he draws a pair of aces, Im thinking no big deal pair of aces. He has about $40 on one hand and splits. He draws a 14 and another Ace. So we convince him to split again. This time he draws another 14 and another ace. Im think holy **** thats awsome. So he splits and draws 2 15's. At this point im nervous because the dealer is showing a king. So when it gets back to the dealer you can just see the table tense up. As she flips the card and reveals a five. From here it was like everything was slowmotion as she pulled the card from the shoe to revel an 8! it was on of the most exciting moments ive had encounter playing blackjack....next to have alot of money out there and having to push a 17 :p

Has anyone else seen or had this happen... It was really intense, at least for us amature counters.
if you get a chance, watch the movie, Cincinnati Kid, if nothing else for this one scene. that flipping of that card pretty much sums it up. :)


Great movie, The Cincinnati Kid. Except it could have been much better from a technical point of view...who the hell was the technical adviser anyway? Remember Karl Malden (how did a loser like him end up married to a fox, he sure wasn't rich!) saying "No string bets" (there were string bets galore), "Table stakes" (Edward G. went into his wallet for the 5K raise on that last hand - and if it was table stakes then The Kid couldn't lose more than he had on the table, much less in his pocket - and more!).

That last hand has gotten a lot of criticism for not only the odds of seeing a straight flush vs. a boat heads up, but for the way The Man played the hand, i.e. no way does he chase that hand to the last card. But if you look at it again, every time he called he was getting pot odds to do so, The Kid let him hang around.

Best poker movie ever till Rounders came along!