Last night at the local casino my cousin had an awsome accurance. We were sitting at the $10 min. Table and about 3 hands in he draws a pair of aces, Im thinking no big deal pair of aces. He has about $40 on one hand and splits. He draws a 14 and another Ace. So we convince him to split again. This time he draws another 14 and another ace. Im think holy **** thats awsome. So he splits and draws 2 15's. At this point im nervous because the dealer is showing a king. So when it gets back to the dealer you can just see the table tense up. As she flips the card and reveals a five. From here it was like everything was slowmotion as she pulled the card from the shoe to revel an 8! it was on of the most exciting moments ive had encounter playing to have alot of money out there and having to push a 17
Has anyone else seen or had this happen... It was really intense, at least for us amature counters.
Has anyone else seen or had this happen... It was really intense, at least for us amature counters.