Splitting Tens at FW


Well-Known Member
Unless you are trying your best to clear the table (or make someone who is annoying you mad) I wouldn't do it. Too much of an obvious play. Even at $10 min.


Well-Known Member
SleightOfHand said:
You guys think its ok at the $10 min level? At what point would you suggest not doing it?
Depends on the count. My guideline is to add a point or two to the index if I'm worried about heat. But, if I'm at +10 and I get a pair of tens against a six, it's splitting time. That's several hours' EV in one play.
moo321 said:
Depends on the count. My guideline is to add a point or two to the index if I'm worried about heat. But, if I'm at +10 and I get a pair of tens against a six, it's splitting time. That's several hours' EV in one play.
I agree. Especially at a place like Foxwoods where as long as you stay out of the high limit rooms you can do pretty much whatever you want. At a SD or DD game you have to think a lot more about it.

But even proper use of insurance is a counter tell- are we going to give that up too?


Well-Known Member
Just split em, Just make a big deal out of it, scream and yell how you got a feeling, if peopel object, just be like, i got a felling damnit! , and im splittin em!! Nobody will question it once they realise your mental instability.

Crazy people split tens, you gotta look crazy. Whacked up CRAZY YO!!


Well-Known Member
Ferretnparrot said:
Just split em, Just make a big deal out of it, scream and yell how you got a feeling, if peopel object, just be like, i got a felling damnit! , and im splittin em!! Nobody will question it once they realise your mental instability.

Crazy people split tens, you gotta look crazy. Whacked up CRAZY YO!!
It helps if you are over 6'2'' / 220 lbs and dressed like a hood. Then, if they dare to open their mouths, just give them this look:

Works every time. (Just think of the dumbbells as the two giant black chips he is plopping down to split his kings.)


Well-Known Member
Well ya know, splitting tens leads to cannabinol. Taking Insurance leads to morphine addiction. And of course varying your play (H/S) on 16 vs. X is a one way ticket to alcoholism. Is that whacked out enuff? Purple chip nutz?