Standard Deviation Question


Well-Known Member
Count system: Hi-Lo, Ill18 Fab4
Decks: 4
Rules: H17 DAS
Spread: 20
Hands per Hour: 150
Risk of Ruin: 2.3%
Penetration: 60
Bankroll: $100,000
(playing 3 hands per round)

...........3 Handed Bet Strategy.........................
......True Count.............Optimal Bet......
..........<=0......................3x$25... (25.08 rnd dwn)
.............1.......................3x$47... (47.31 rnd dwn)
.............2.......................3x$176...(176 .7 rnd dwn)
.............3.......................3x$301..(301. 56 rnd dwn)
.............4.......................3x$437..(437. 78 rnd dwn)
.............5.......................3x$500..(501. 6 rnd dwn)

$/hr (every 150 hands) = $431.12

How do I figure out Std. Deviation per hand and Std. deviation per hour for the above three handed strategy? Or is there not enough information here to figure out those two items?
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Well-Known Member
FrankieT said:
Count system: Hi-Lo, Ill18 Fab4
Decks: 4
Rules: H17 DAS
Spread: 20
Hands per Hour: 150
Risk of Ruin: 2.3%
Penetration: 60
Bankroll: $100,000
(playing 3 hands per round)

...........3 Handed Bet Strategy.........................
......True Count.............Optimal Bet......
..........<=0......................3x$25... (25.08 rnd dwn)
.............1.......................3x$47... (47.31 rnd dwn)
.............2.......................3x$176...(176 .7 rnd dwn)
.............3.......................3x$301..(301. 56 rnd dwn)
.............4.......................3x$437..(437. 78 rnd dwn)
.............5.......................3x$500..(501. 6 rnd dwn)

$/hr (every 150 hands) = $431.12

How do I figure out Std. Deviation per hand and Std. deviation per hour for the above three handed strategy? Or is there not enough information here to figure out those two items?
Excellent question and ur at the level where I get into problems.

I think u'd also need the expected win rate and frequency for each of the TC's for the game u specify.

And maybe the SD for each of those TC's given ur bet and the game.

Then do a lot of squaring and summing for each TC to determine weighted average bet with what average weighted SD.

Throw in 3 hands with co-variance and I'm not even gonna tell u I'd have an answer I have 100% faith in.

It's about where I would say to myself, if I don't have an answer I have 100%
faith in, I'd do something else that I do have 100% faith in.

Make that 110%.