Stanford Wong Blackjack Newsletter?


Well-Known Member
I think this is what I am looking for?

A few days ago I was perusing a list of all blackjack games at all casinos in the US and Canada. It was a PDF, in a sort of newsletter format. Now I can't find it at all. I'm on Stanford Wong's site and see other newsletter-like stuff, but not this. Please help!


Well-Known Member
Yep, that's it. I see this one is from 3 years ago, and you have to pay for the up to date newsletters.



Well-Known Member
I think its mostly worth it.

But there are some places say that aren't updated frequently.

So Vegas is updated like crazy. Little Indian joints in the middle of no where may have not been updated for more than a year.

Primarily it saves you time in terms of shoe leather.


Well-Known Member
It depends how much you travel. For places that I've never been, it's very useful. I don't need it for my local casinos, as I scout those out myself on a regular basis. You're also unlikely to find any unusually good opportunities listed, as people like to keep that info to themselves.

I buy an issue every 3 or 4 months or just prior to an LV trip, whichever comes last.