Stealth, Have You Moved to Vegas Yet?

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
I wish! Probably in about 1 year from now though. I'm tired of having to travel so far to hit up small joints with 2/3 pen on 6 D and eating at their funky buffets. Hey I've even had to challenge 4 deck CSMs. Won too, but had to back C & wong myself half to death. I think they thought I was some kind of a nutt.

Here's one for ya: About 4 years ago, I popped into a small out-a-the-way joint for a quickie near Carson City (no not a brothel). I was pretty gutsy back then and was having some fun testing out the P Cs. Good S D game, D on any, H17, 1 on 1. Lucked on to a monster C. Chunked out a tall stack of red (about 125). The D called "checks play" to the P C. He walks over to watch. I said "hi, how ya doin'". He mutters something. Anyway the cards come and I can't believe the D is showin' 5. What's more unbelievable is, I flip up a pair of sixes. I'm thinkin' how's this possible? The P C looked at me and says "now what are ya gonna do?" with a big sarcastic grin too. I said, "whatdaya think, I'm gonna split 'em". So I put out another big chunk. Guy starts in with this stupid grin again and says, "now your gonna get two 16s". He started to really piss me off. So I pondered it for a moment. Realized I wanted to get another hand from this monster of monster counts and was a little worried that I wouldn't 'cause there wasn't many cards left in the Ds hand + I didn't want to get the two 16s like the P C said. So I waved off the D and said, "stand". D says, "You can't do that," I say "why not, he told me I was gonna get two 16s? What good is that? I think I just want you to have the next card". The D and the P C look at each other puzzled by the fact that I'm going to stand on two split hands with only a one card 6 on each hand. After a moment of silence, the P C says to me with his sh!tty azz grin, "Sir, you can do what ever you like". Hey this guy's like music to my ears. :) So away we go. Sure enough, D has a 10 under and slammed the hard 16 with another for a lovely 26. I went "whew hoo" and danced around a bit. Then I said, "Do you guys give up yet or do ya wanna try another if I let it ride?" (While looking at them with wild wide eyes) The P C says, "I dare ya". Wow! How incredible! I sucked him right into my web. ....... So here we go again. I now have about $250 on 2 circles. Sure enough, I get two faces on one hand and BJ on the other. D shows a 9. I get paid on the 21. About now the P C leaves the pit. I wave off the 20. Then D shows 10 in the hole. D pays me. I color-up. Bypassed the cage and vanished. ................. Waaaaaaaay to much fun! Cashed in my chips about 6 mo later while passing through.



This is irresponsible

First, you cannot split and then stand without taking at least a single hit card. I never heard about this move ever in my BJ career. This will be the equivalent of doubling down a 6,6 vs. 5 without taking a hit cart. The casino will not let you do that. Period!

When you split a pair you have to take at least one hit card and when doubling down you only get one hit card. If you tell me that you didn't want to hit your 6s after splitting them because you want the next card to go to the dealer then I ask you this: Why didn't you take a hit? You could not possibly know where the bust card for the potential dealer's 15 is located. It could have been the next card or the card after that. You never know this for sure.

And, another point is that if you play in a game where doubling after split is permitted you are missing the opportunity to do just that. If you hit and get : A,2,3,4 or a 5 you could double down after split. If you get a 6 you could split again. Even if doubling after split was not permitted the correct move would have been for you to take at least one hit and depending of the total to take another or stand is your total would have been above 11. So, I don't understand why you choose not taking a hit on your 6 vs. 5 up card in a split mode. What was your rational?


learning to count

Well-Known Member
Re: This is irresponsible

""You can do anything the pit personnel will let you get away with.""

This may true but I would consider this casino suspect. If they allow this then what is to stop them from cheating! The play was wrong that is definite. The play was voodoo. Unless you can tell me what the index number was to call for such a play. Nice to hear that you won! Just beware of such play it will hurt your EV.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: This is irresponsible

I completely agree with this.

>The play was voodoo. Unless you can tell me what the index number was to call for such a play. Nice to hear that you won! Just beware of such play it will hurt your EV.

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Ok, Answers for the Craziness

I realize there are no index numbers for this play. However, There must be an index number with a very high T C that would put the D at much higher than 50% chance for a bust in this situation. However, I can't remember what the count was when I did this, but I remember the R C # was out of the usual high R C. Something beyond or matched anything I'd ever seen before. I was a new A P then too. I did say I was gutsy and was basically test-driving the P Cs to see what they could withstand. I certainly found out in my early days just how far I could push them. If you guys read my profile, you will notice the type of player I was then. At that time I was too busy having fun with the game and the P Crews. I didn't know where to go to obtain the precise mathematical support and skill like nowadays. I had some teaching by a man who may have been the best B J player in the world from 1935 - 1960.

Let's look at all the factors in order of importance based on the way I saw it: 1) No DAS. 2) Humongous C. 3) I was trying to keep enough cards in what was left of the pack to give me another play and maybe even a spread to two hands. 4) My act appeared to them as a very gutsy, crazy and a stupid player, which allowed me to get away with anything. 5) There were 3 cards that the D needed which she couldn't get 'cause they were on the table. 6) I wanted to slam the P C with a play he would never forget. One that would leave him suffering his mental wounds for some time. Yes #6 is nuts. But the fun it could provide me was worth the risk (back then). ;-)

There was more said by the P C which comes to mind: When I attempted the play, I remember the P C was telling the D that there was nothing in the book (rules) that states that I couldn't just stand on split sixes as a one card hand. If you think about it, how can they make a player take a card after the split? Why would they? The player has to be either nuts or is a C or both (in my case).

Ok, fire away.


learning to count

Well-Known Member
What would be your attitude if you lost?

Being a ploppy is excusable. But when you are playing according to the count then only through PERFECT play will you obtain the edge. I too have not done something when I had a high count. I have won and I have lost. This is dangerous to your EV. Be careful Stealthy this kind of play will get you heat they may be stupid but to them a winner is bad for business.

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Re: What would be your attitude if you lost?

Ok Pops.....I'll be good......I promise......I won't do it anymore. :-(

Seriously though my friends, that happened back in my early days. I was like a kid in a candy store then. I was rolling along on high highs and low lows.

Although, based on all those factors I mentioned and the high C, if I had known that all unseen cards were 8 or larger, it would have been a perfectly orchestrated play. Of course the other prob was; how many cards were unseen. I'm guessing there were no more than 15 cards. I don't remember the C but it was probably 12 to 14 using simple hi/lo. With this, there could have been 7's, 8's, 9's(newtrals)& faces & A's within the mix. At absolute worst, there could have been three small cards mixed in which could have wiped me out.

Yes LTC, it would have been devastating if it didn't go my way and the D smoked my azz off. I'm not advocating that anyone do a move like this unless maaaaaaybe they were at least 95% certain there were no cards smaller than an 8 left in the pack. As for "heat", your pretty much toast after a play like this one. Just pack it in and head for the doors. Do not pass go, but do pass up the cage and just high tail it right on out and down road.



Active Member
Re: What would be your attitude if you lost?

I'm new here and to the counting game, my question is why pass the cage? I cashed out $575($300 of my money) at a local indian casino & the cashier got a call just as I cashed out, coincident? Sorry if this is a stupid question. My biggest winner was when I hit a bj with$75 bet (+11 count, only 2 aces out) on a $5-100 table DD, poor penetration. It was the last hand before shuffle, so less than 1 deck left. When I hit that bj, the dealer said, we got a card counter here and smiled. I said "I wish", then went back to $5 bet on the fresh shuffle. hehe. played a few more shuffles. No heat, I could bet $5 on the first hand and $100 on the last all day long & the dealer, pit boss didn't blink an eye or say a word. So why pass up the cashier's cage?


Well-Known Member
Re: Ok, Answers for the Craziness

A few casinos bosses make up their own rules as due fit,for example
at recent casino outing the pit noticed the dealer was killing
all of us with the remarkable 20,21's (like Wong says streaks happen)
so the nice Mr. Boss said on the next hand to the dealer
to turn over his cards but to pay us anyways,this lasted for the
next four
unreal hands.

crazy things happen legal or illegal.
just when we thought we have seen it all//

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to get the hell outa Dodge!

Because the play I made had "card counter" or "nut case" written all over it and it worked all so perfectly. They may have classified it as "all of the above". It was also a real "in your face" play which slammed the P C so bad he left the pit. Where he went and what his plan was, I don't know. It wasn't normal for him to leave before the finish of a wild play like that. I didn't want to stick around to find out what might happen next, e.g. back rooming, barring, maybe even a good old-fashioned azz whippin'. I had plenty of $ in my pocket. Who knows, a couple of there thugs might try and take it. Therefore, I felt it was best to just disappear. I didn't even go to my car immediately after I left. This was a small joint. I did however, leave in a way that didn't appear as if I just robbed a bank. ;-)


Mr Pill

"Sure enough, I get two faces on one hand and BJ on the other. D shows a 9."


So why didn't you double on the BJ and 20 on the next hands without taking a card?


Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Hey, Mr Pill

Gaaah! ....... Hey don't temp me. If the D somehow had been showing a 4, 5 or 6 again, I would have split the faces. Only time to even think about doubling a soft 21 is after a split of faces. It is the only way to have chance for a "Royal Slammer"! (four soft 21's with DD faces sitting sideways on each of the four hands) Though, I am pretty well convinced that it will never happen for anyone. Even I,........ the "Stealth Bomber" can only just dream about trying s!!t like that one. LOL :)))))


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Hey, Mr Pill

"Only time to even think about doubling a soft 21 is after a split of faces."

I think he meant BJ, not s21, ie 4,6,A, which you can do if you play at the SL. Another time you should consider doing a DD on BJ is in a tourney when the chips call for it.

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
SL, Reno?

I was there about 3.5 months ago. Re: 6D, was DD only on 1st 2 and 1st 2 after SP. But I do remember the good ol' days though. Are they doing it again?

I never doubled in any tourney I ever played cause BJ already paid 2-1.
