Suncruz Casino: Jacksonville


Active Member
I went on my first BJ outing on a Suncruz Casino cruise based out of Jacksonville, FL.

These are the tables I saw:
2 - 8d s17 das ls - $5-$500
1 - 8d s17 das ls - $10-$500
2 - 6d s17 das ls - $25-$1000(?) - no mid shoe

I went during the day cruise but I think they open more tables at night.

Anyways, played BS on the $10 table for 3 straight hours (pretty much the max gambling time) and came out even (probably a unit or two ahead since I tipped). I was up 10 units at one point and down around the same.

Enjoyed my first outing and I'll definitely go again.


Well-Known Member
Mid Shoe Entry

The Gold Strike in Tunica Is among several that I have seen that do not allow mid-shoe entry on six deck shoe, this works in your favor when the count goes negative and you have to excuse yourself to answer that fake phone call on your cell phone, you have to wait until the next shuffle to play again.
The Grand in Tunica Requires you to bet minimum only if you enter at mid shoe.